

  • Status update on current patch 4.0.1 issues

    Gregg Reece
    Gregg Reece

    Vrakthris (Blizzard customer service representative) posted a list of major issues people are coming across in patch 4.0.1, along with updates and expected timetables on when some of them will be resolved. If you're having issues with any of the following topics, read on to find out what is currently being done about the situation. Master riding Missing enchantments Insect Swarm Guild issues with authenticator Warlock pets renamed Missing characters Item durability standardization Removed from battleground

  • Forum post of the day: Friends in low places

    Amanda Dean
    Amanda Dean

    How much can you determine about someone from their guild tag? Andrys of Arathor believes that she should be able to rely on someone's performance based on the guild they're in. She's disappointed that she invited a low DPS player because of a guild tag. She then checked the armory profile to see that the player was ranked 8 in the guild, presumably a friends and family rank. The post finished with "Boot your friends."I've been watching this thread for a couple of days, and am surprised it hasn't gotten more attention. Klepsacovic of Zul'jin pointed out that guild ranks are listed on the armory, and the OP should have checked there. Some people are in the habit of checking the armory for any potential groupmates? I am not, then again, I don't check guild tag either when PUGging. To me bad players can come in many flavors, tanks that don't pay attention to mana, low DPS that are not interested in constructive feedback, loot ninjas, unpleasant people, and anyone who refuses to follow directions or kill order.

  • Guild version 2.1.0

    Amanda Rivera
    Amanda Rivera

    Last night, in honor of today's patch, my guild leader restructured our guild. We've been having some tough times with motivation as of late, it the general consensus amongst the officers was that the guild members felt no progression as the guild was organized. We therefore sat down as a group in the Wildhammer Stronghold inn and took stock of what we had available. A lot of great ideas came up, and one of them was what we implemented last night. The guild ranks are now focused around the Burning Crusade attunements, and each member receives a rank for which of the raid levels he is ready for. Although only a few of us (read one) are ready for Karazhan, the ranking system includes readiness for Black Temple. Yes, we are setting our sights high, but it's time to think big. If you don't have high expectations, how can anyone meet them? As we were finishing up the planning of the new guild structure, I began to wonder about what other guilds do as far as ranks are concerned. In all my time playing World of Warcraft I have only been in one guild, so I can't use my experience to satiate my curiosity. Instead, I'll use yours. How are your guilds organized? What challenges do you face in keeping guilds motivated, and how do you tackle those challenges?