

  • Winners of Guild Wars 2 Ambassador contest announced

    Rubi Bayer
    Rubi Bayer

    On April 28th, ArenaNet announced a contest titled Become a Guild Wars 2 Ambassador, sending fans into a tizzy at the prospect of winning a free trip to Seattle to play Guild Wars 2 in the ArenaNet studio. The entry videos needed to be one minute in length, and ArenaNet received over 500 entries equaling more than eight hours of video. There was a lot of great work to sift through, but the team has finally chosen its winners -- including two grand prize winners who will soon be Seattle-bound. Dan from the United States and Leo from Iceland carried off top honors in the contest, each offering a different perspective. The ArenaNet team loved Leo's video because it's both fun and informative for those "who have little to no knowledge of Guild Wars 2." Dan's hilarious News Report entry "presented a lot of information about Guild Wars 2 in a persuasive, fun, and original way." Head to the Guild Wars 2 site for a full list of winners, and join us in congratulating all of them!

  • Play Guild Wars 2 with the devs with ArenaNet's video contest

    Rubi Bayer
    Rubi Bayer

    Are you dying to get your hands on Guild Wars 2? You might get to play sooner than you'd anticipated, thanks to a new contest from ArenaNet. The company has challenged its fans to make a one-minute promotional video that tells why they think people should play Guild Wars 2 at launch. Two people will win the grand prize: a trip to Seattle to visit the ArenaNet studio, hang out with the development team, and play some Guild Wars 2. Runner-up prizes include two custom Guild Wars 2 computer towers, three Nvidia video cards, and 10 signed copies of the Guild Wars 2 art book. So are you ready to share your excitement over Guild Wars 2 with the world? Head over to the contest page for all the details, and best of luck!