

  • Humble Weekly IndieCade sale: Dream Machine, Dear Esther, more

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    The pay-what-you-want Humble Weekly Sale highlights select Indie games and supports the IndieCade Foundation this week. Dropping any amount of cash will net you the first three chapters of point-and-click adventure game The Dream Machine, along with puzzle-platformer And Yet It Moves and vibrant touch-based game Luxuria Superbia. Dropping $6 or more will toss in atmospheric exploration game Dear Esther, 2D puzzle game The Bridge and board game-inspired 7 Grand Steps. This week's sale is well-timed: IndieCade East takes over the Museum of the Moving Image in New York this weekend. This is the show's second year in New York, and will highlight several eSports games as well as offer a nighttime exhibit on Saturday. [Image: Cockroach inc.]