

  • Cubans can finally buy American phones and PCs

    Jon Fingas
    Jon Fingas

    The White House promised warmer relations with Cuba that would provide easier access to US technology (among many other things), and it's delivering in spades. As of January 16th, American companies can legally sell consumer tech to everyday Cubans. That includes cellphones, PCs, TVs and anything else that will "enable the flow of information" for the public. It's not that generous of a gesture however, when you consider that the island's population can't usually afford these gadgets. The average Cuban earned just $20 per month in 2013. It'll expand the selection of items they can afford, however, and it'll boost sales to visitors (who'll also see fewer restrictions on US credit and debit cards).

  • Japanese spacecraft's 'black box' recorder survives flaming fall to earth

    Christopher Trout
    Christopher Trout

    When we reported on Japan's plans to track the re-entry process of its Kounotori 2 spacecraft with a black-box-style recorder, there were still some unanswered questions: specifically, would the REBR (Re-entry Breakup Recorder) sink or swim. Well, according to an announcement from the device's creator, the thing not only survived the fiery plunge to Earth, but it also stayed afloat after plunking down in the South Pacific Ocean on Tuesday. During free fall, the REBR did as it was expected, automatically monitoring, recording, and eventually transmitting data about the re-entry process, and while the thing was admittedly "not designed to survive impact with the water," it continued relaying information even after landing. The next scheduled REBR mission is planned for June -- here's hoping the new guy's as buoyant as its buddy. Full PR after the break.