

  • Growing Up Geek: The Women of Engadget


    Welcome to Growing Up Geek, a feature where we take a look back at our youth, and tell stories of growing up to be the nerds that we are. This week, in honor of International Day of the Girl, we have all the women of Engadget! Since Engadget launched Growing Up Geek three years ago, we've published nearly 50 essays by Engadget editors (and friends of Engadget) about what it was like being a nerdy, geeky -- dare we say -- dorky child. This week, in honor of International Day of the Girl, we're taking you back through the archives to put the spotlight on the women of Engadget: everyone from Dana Wollman (your friendly neighborhood Ultrabook reviewer) to our recent addition Mariella Moon, who catches breaking news while our American readers are sleeping. Read on to find all of their columns -- plus a few extra, too.