

  • The Summoner's Guidebook: How to be the best at League of Legends

    Patrick Mackey
    Patrick Mackey

    What does it take to be a top League of Legends player? A lot of people sell themselves short, saying, "I could never be as good as HotshotGG," but I think that's a falsehood. Don't mistake me, I do think that most of the current LoL pros (including Hotshot) are prodigal. I do think that they got to where they are partially due to natural talent. I've watched a lot of streams and interviews and listened to pros talk about their training schedules, and I can honestly say that while they do practice a lot, most of them don't practice enough. But no amount of talent can replace the other skills you'll need. Even if Pobelter has a natural ability to dominate LoL matches, he has refined that talent through hard work. If you practice the skills here dilligently, you can get in the top levels of the solo-duo ranked ladder and you can get picked up by a pro team.

  • The Summoner's Guidebook: Roaming the jungle in League of Legends Dominion

    Patrick Mackey
    Patrick Mackey

    Although players often consider jungling to be a role exclusive to League of Legends' Classic gametypes, proper exploitation of the jungle is vitally important to success in Dominion as well. At the lower levels of play, players often feed too much information to the enemy and allow their foes to move through jungle areas unmolested. Never do this! When you're ahead, the most important thing you can do in Dominion is secure your lead further by limiting the enemy's movements. The only way to do this is to control the jungle. If you're familiar with the idea of warding the enemy jungle to limit enemy movements on Summoner's Rift, controlling the jungle on Dominion will likely be familiar to you.

  • The Summoner's Guidebook: Breaking down the skills to win in League of Legends

    Patrick Mackey
    Patrick Mackey

    Although seasoned League of Legends veterans might suggest otherwise, LoL is a hard game with a lot of complexity. Even though the Summoner's Rift metagame (and to some degree the Dominion metagame as well) is fairly solidified, expert players tend to take the numerous skills to win for granted. This week I'm going to go over a basic rundown of the things that help you win and separate you from the noobs who just play mindlessly. Even the players who exhibit poor skills in one area might perform well in another, and it's easy for us to assign blame due to any poor performance at all. This means we really need to focus on our weaknesses and get them up to speed. Experts will find this kind of thing a no-brainer, but there are plenty of players who have no idea about all the things they need to perform better. This week, we'll cover all the major skill areas and why they're important.

  • The Summoner's Guidebook: Learning to help your jungler in League of Legends

    Patrick Mackey
    Patrick Mackey

    I've been doing quite a bit of jungling lately in League of Legends. Jungling is hard, and one of the keys to being successful as a jungler is simply out of your hands: Your lanes need to play as if there were junglers in the game. I've played a jungler in countless games in which there was nothing to gank at all because my lanes played without regard for whether a jungler might come into lane. I'm not a pro jungler. Out of all of LoL's myriad roles, jungling is my second weakest (after mid lane). Rather than give advice on something I'm really bad at, I'd rather talk about jungling from the lane perspective. This week in The Summoner's Guidebook, we'll talk about the jungler's role and how you can help your jungler out. It isn't a simple matter, but I've been taking notes over the week about things that frustrated me and things that worked out for the best.