

  • Hyperspace Beacon: Timeline

    Larry Everett
    Larry Everett

    When I started the Holocron Files last week, it slipped my mind that I have been doing this column for a year and a half and that not everyone has been following every issue. When I wrote about the Pureblood Sith, it was really meant to be a refresher course, not a comprehensive chronicle. It's extremely difficult to capture the full history of a species in about a thousand words. That being said, I understand that not everyone has a perspective on the Star Wars timeline, especially the time leading up to Star Wars: The Old Republic. I don't think it's any secret that BioWare stories are extremely deep, and Lead Writer Daniel Erickson has a nerdgasm every time someone interviews him about Star Wars history. The established history leading up to TOR will play a major role in the story that unfolds in the game, otherwise the development team would not have had the wherewithal to create the timeline videos for the website. Following the break, I would like to set you up for future, more comprehensive articles about the Star Wars lore. Although this column is certainly not exclusively about lore, when I bring up another Holocron File, I want reader to have a decent understanding of when these events fall in Star Wars history. So rev up your time machine to 88 miles per hour! This Hyperspace Beacon is about to go back in time -- way back!

  • Hyperspace Beacon: Holocron Files - Pureblood Sith

    Larry Everett
    Larry Everett

    Moreso than any other MMO intellectual property, the Star Wars IP carries a rich, deep history, shaped not only by its creator, George Lucas, but also by the many artists, writers, and directors of the many television series, games, books, and comics. When you step into Star Wars: The Old Republic, you are weaving yourself into a story with over 30 years of constant growth and development. Unlike other fictional histories, this one was guided by many hands, and much of the lore has been muddled over years of retcons and rewrites. Every so often until the release of the game, I will explore the important bits that lead to the launch of Star Wars: The Old Republic. Unlike other MMOs, this game is developed specifically to draw the player into the story. To help ease you into this rich lore, I am creating a series I call the Holocron Files. And first, I begin with the mysterious TOR species know as the Pureblood Sith. Where do these beings come from? Why are they important to SWTOR lore? And what can we expect to see from them in game? Leap past the break to find out.

  • SWTOR timeline gives us greater clues to the Sith emperor's identity

    Larry Everett
    Larry Everett

    Star Wars: The Old Republic has engaged its fans with intriguing videos regarding the history leading up to the Sacking of Coruscant. Master Gnost-Dural was tasked with determining the roots of the Sith evil in an attempt to accurately depict the history of the Republic. Who knew that a couple of Republic adventurers would ultimately spark the fire that would erupt into the flames of war, generations later? The Great Hyperspace War would birth the conflict that propels the events in SWTOR. BioWare interweaves the known lore of this first war between the Sith and the Republic and relates it to the events of the Star Wars MMORPG. The storyteller in the timeline video mentions that the emperor at the end of the Hyperspace War is the same emperor we will face in the game. However, we know Naga Sadow was exiled to Yavin IV and Ludo Kressh was buried in the Valley of the Dark Lords. So who controls the puppet strings of the galaxy's most nefarious overlords? Perhaps you can answer these and many more questions by watching the video after the cut.

  • Hyperspace Beacon: Empires strike back

    Larry Everett
    Larry Everett

    Welcome, space traveler to another addition of the Hyperspace Beacon. Gear yourself up, and you may want to take out a notepad. We are delving deep into Star Wars lore this week. This will set the stage for future additions of the Hyperspace Beacon. I hope to not only answer some of your questions but also bring more questions to mind. Sith Empires have always played a huge role in Star Wars history. In fact, with few exceptions, any time there was a major threat to the galaxy it came in the form of a Sith Empire. Sith Empires can be traced back as far as one hundred thousand years before the destruction of the first Death Star with the first Sith'ari, Adas. Adas was the first to unite the red-skinned Sith race under one banner. But these first Sith were not Force-wielders in the same vein as the Dark Jedi who followed them. Following the break I will share how the Great Sith Empires came to be, the wars that surround them, how they are tied to the Empire in Star Wars: The Old Republic, and some of my speculation on what will be revealed in the game.

  • The Lore of Star Wars: The Old Republic

    James Egan
    James Egan

    The hotly anticipated MMO Star Wars: The Old Republic (SWTOR) from BioWare has only just been announced, but they've already given us a clear picture of the game's setting and a bit of the lore as well. From what we can tell, you won't need to be a die-hard fan of Star Wars to appreciate the title, which is good news as there's a daunting amount of Star Wars canon out there. That said, it'll certainly help to have at least some grounding in what's going on in Star Wars: The Old Republic. To that end, Massively's put together a brief primer on the lore of SWTOR.Who is this written for? People who've seen the films but may not necessarily have played Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic (KotOR) on PC or console, and especially those who haven't read the novels or various comic book lines released over the years. Read on, and we'll introduce you to the backdrop and factions of Star Wars: The Old Republic. Get Educated, Padawan >>