

  • FIFA 19

    EA's Black Friday deals discount 'FIFA 19' and 'Madden 19' by half

    Saqib Shah
    Saqib Shah

    Thinking of buying a new console in the Black Friday sales? You may need a side of virtual sports to go with your main course. Enter EA: the publisher is heavily discounting its biggest titles to catch your eye and wallet. On offer are FIFA 19, Madden 19, and NHL 19 (including the Wayne Gretzky 99 Edition), all with 50 percent off their asking price at select retailers from November 22nd through to November 27th. And for basketball fans, there's 60 percent off NBA Live 19, while UFC 3 will be 75 percent cheaper.

  • Rockstar Games

    Xbox's Black Friday deals start early for Live Gold members

    Kris Holt
    Kris Holt

    Microsoft's Xbox Black Friday sale is kicking off early for Xbox Live Gold members, and you can grab discounts on some of the biggest titles around right now. Red Dead Redemption 2 was only released a few weeks ago, but you can save 10 percent in the sale.