optimus maximus
Optimus Maximus shows his design chops
Notice anything peculiar about that QWERTY? No, it's not a ClipArt frenzy. Rather, each key has been replaced with a specific Photoshop function. That's the magic of the Optimus Maximus. Oh sure, any designer worth his salt has already mastered the Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + N, but a single key press (instead of three) sure sounds nice. Worth $1,536? Doubtful, but what if Artimus threw in a children's layout too? Russian, Japanese? We know, it's a hard sell.%Gallery-10434%[Thanks, Shannin]
Thomas Ricker11.16.2007Optimus Maximus changes layouts on video
Don't feel bad, we're getting just as tired of hearing all about the Optimus Maximus. Granted, all that will hopefully change once we actually get one in our hands, but we digress. The latest posting on the Optimus Maximus site shows the oh-so-admired keyboard (in black and white, mind you) changing layouts before our very eyes. Unfortunately, the clip is only bound to make you more frustrated with the wait, but c'mon, it's not like you're gonna hold off or anything. Check it out after the break.
Darren Murph11.12.2007Sub-$500 Optimus keyboards in the works, and other newsimus maximus
Those following every twist and turn of the Optimus Maximus keyboard have plenty to sink their teeth into on the always dependable optimus_project LiveJournal today, including the tantalizing detail of a soon-to-be-announced sub-$500 model. More details on that (and a sub-$1,000 model) will apparently be coming next week, when each will also supposedly be available for pre-order. The blog also dropped word that the first lot of Optimus Maximus keyboards has been sold out, and will start shipping in December or January, with the second lot set to arrive in February. Those first few keyboards will apparently be "somewhat functionally limited," however, with firmware updates planned "every month or so in the beginning" to bring them up to speed. Lastly, comes word that Art Lebedev will be introducing a "couple of new Optimus concepts" this year, with another model set to be released sometime next year, no doubt starting this whole long, drawn out process all over again.
Donald Melanson11.05.2007Optimus Maximus minutiae: Key Remover shown
Yeah, you aren't the only one wishing the latest tidbit from the Optimus Maximus camp was a press-stopping blurb claiming that these things were actually shipping en masse, but for those who don't mind constant teasing and the most trifling of details, feel free to eat your heart out. Pictured above is the "final" version of the Optimus Key Remover, which sports a glowing orange motif and even features the words "Optimus" and "Key Remover" engraved on each side. 'Course, one (read: us) may wonder why such an insignificant piece of the package (at least we hope this thing is included up front) is even showcased, but when you're paying over $1,500 for a keyboard, every little bit counts, no?
Darren Murph10.23.2007Optimus Maximus box design: will the madness end?
You've already caught a glimpse of what the innards of the Optimus Maximus box should look like, so if you're intrigued, you can now take a peek at the outside. Additionally, the folks laid out a number of previous concepts, but it sounds like they're going with the white shown above to match the keyboard's color. We know, it's just more teasing, but click on through if you're able to endure it.
Darren Murph10.09.2007Optimus Maximus to ship in white?
At this point we're pretty firmly on the seeing-is-believing bandwagon with the Optimus Maximus, but this picture on user optimus_project's LiveJournal pretty clearly shows the Ultimate Keyboard with a white frame as opposed to the silver one we've previously seen. Oh, also it's titled "Optimus Maximus to be shipped in white," so there's that. We're kinda getting the render vibe from the image, but as always, we'll leave that up to you to hash out in the comments.
Nilay Patel10.05.2007First Optimus Maximus hits Moscow
It's been a long time coming, but the first Optimus Maximus OLED keyboard has finally shown itself in Moscow and, as you can see in the picture above, it's already being put to good use. Of course, the lucky few that got in on the first batch of orders will still have to wait a while longer to get a taste of all that excess first hand, with the keyboards apparently still on track for a release by the end of the year. We somehow suspect there will be plenty more pics to whet the appetites of the rest of us in the meantime though, and if you just can't wait for that inevitability, you can hit up the read link below for a slightly larger version of this one.
Donald Melanson09.14.2007Boxing the Optimus Maximus
As opposed to unboxing, that is. Yeah, that's right: in their seemingly endless mission to document every bit of minutiae related to the Optimus Maximus OLED Keyboard, the Optimus Project guys have taken pictures of the box that will contain the keyboard. Some key points of the box: Made of brown cardboard, with a glossy white exterior. Features foam padding. Has two layers of foam. Includes cut outs to keep the power supply, cable, and keyboard seated. Comes with handy white handle. Yes, we're over analyzing this to make a point. C'mon Optimus Project, get this out the door already.
Conrad Quilty-Harper09.02.2007Optimus Maximus gets a numeric keypad test
Hot on the heels of the recent single-key Optimus Maximus OLED key test comes the highly anticipated multiple-key test, a demo of the numeric keypad. Yes, it's a whole bank of the custom-built buttons, flashing in a veritable parade of holiday-season-worthy light. Sure, that exposed PCB and those little plastic keys don't look like they're worth $1536, but we're sure once it's all said and done you'll still feel like it's money well spent. Check the video after the break to witness the dancing lights for yourself.
Joshua Topolsky08.10.2007Optimus Maximus OLEDs finally tested
Funny, after a first-wave sellout of their Optimus Maximus keyboards, we kinda figured that a "first test" of those OLED keys would have occurred before now. Au contraire my pirate-patched friends. A video of just one of those 113 keys (the spacebar, apparently) has been published showing RGB in all the glory you could expect from a 10.1 x 10.1-mm, 48 x 48 pixel display. Let's just hope they can somehow dampen the Johnny Cash-era freight train effect before these units ship. Video after the break.[Thanks, Fantastico]
Thomas Ricker08.03.2007Optimus Maximus: 113 keys, ready to pre-order
Ready to move around some funds in your accounts? Take out that loan from your mom? Tell your wife you just don't know why the account's a grand light? The Optimus Maximus is up for pre-order for $1564.37. Oh, and it's officially back to 113 keys (that's $13.84 per key, in case you didn't feel like busting out your HP financial calc). Remember, only 200 are being made during the first round, so if you want to be among the early batch to get theirs this December, now may be your only chance -- unless they're already sold out, that is.%Gallery-3324%
Ryan Block05.20.2007Optimus Maximus pre-order starts May 20th
Taking another small step from its sump of vapor, the Optimus Maximus keyboard is now ready for pre-pre-order. Beginning May 20th at 1500 Moscow time (0700 New York), Art. Lebedev will publish the keyboard's detailed specs and start accepting "limited pre-orders" for their $1,536 OLED keyboard. Regardless of that hefty price, we wouldn't be surprised to see all 400 keyboards available in December sell-out faster than a corporate rock star.[Thanks, Andrew H.]
Thomas Ricker05.16.2007Optimus Maximus gets price and date
After some OLED display supply issues and a few setbacks, it looks like Lebedev and company have finally settled on a launch date and price for the king of keyboard, the Optimus Maximus. Hold your breath, it'll be due late November (the 30th, to be specific) for $1536 US ("Shakespeare's birthday"). Bad news, we know, but the worst news is still to come: only 200 keyboards per month for November and December, and 400 keyboards are scheduled to be made next January. (On second thought, at over $1500 apiece, maybe that's not so few keyboards.) Ok, exhale, it's going to be alright.
Ryan Block04.27.2007The 2006 Engadget Awards: Vote for the Most Anticipated Gadget of 2007
We're down to the last three, everybody -- the biggies. And sure, it may be 2007 now, but it's still entirely possible for you to cast your ballot for the Most Anticipated Gadget of 2007! Our Engadget Awards nominees are listed below, and you've got until 11.59PM EST on Wednesday, April 18th to file your vote. You can only vote once, so make it count, and may the best tech win! The nominees: Apple iPhone, Apple iPod (6g), Nokia N95, Optimus Maxiumus keyboard, PSP 2, SED HDTVs, and Vista / CableCARD PCs. %Poll-353%
Ryan Block04.16.2007First Optimus Maximus prototype key revealed
There it is, the first prototype key for Lebedev's Optimus Maximus keyboard. Unlike a typical dome-switch style keyboard -- the mushy but quiet type which collapses a rubber dome to close the circuit -- a key press on Lebedev's $10 key moves a transparent cap around the OLED display to throw a mechanical cherry-switch. This has the benefit of protecting those tiny OLED displays while potentially kicking back a healthy dose of tactile feedback. Reports are that "key-press is nice" although the first prototypes have yet to arrive in Moscow. Certainly, haptic considerations are incredibly important. But we're wondering about the level of optical distortion caused by the gap between the cap and OLED. After all, these keys will be used as informational widgets so they need to be visible from a variety of angles. When you're paying $1,490 for an OLED keyboard, the "look" is just as important as the "feel."
Thomas Ricker03.30.2007Optimus Maximus official press shots
For $1,490, we should -- at the very least -- expect some free press shots of the Optimus Maximus this morning, right? Good, 'cause that's all we're going to get from the design cats at Art. Lebedev Studio. No prototype, no working OLED keys, just press shots. Still, kinda dreamy eh? Cue the Chinese knockoffs... now.%Gallery-2115%
Thomas Ricker03.15.2007Optimus Maximus: the god of keyboards unveiled
We have some good news and some bad news Optimus fanboys, which do you want first? The bad news? Ok, here goes: the Optimus isn't being shown at CeBIT after all. Yeah, we know, we just caught a huge whiff of rather depressing vapor, but what can you do? If it's not ready to show it's not ready to show. Oh, and if that's not a boot to the gut then how 'bout this: it's not $1,200 anymore... it's now $1,490. Ouch! Pre-orders start in April with delivery in November/December 2007. Still, there was a bit of good news that came from our meeting with Artemy Lebedev and Dimitry Tosy here at CeBIT in Hannover. First, the Optimus 103 gets a name change. While we were hoping for the Optimus Prime (there's more than meets the eye), it looks like they've settled on Optimus Maximus (the god of gods). Also, all the keys will in fact be OLED with an expected life span of only 5 years, depending upon use of course. Each 32 x 32 resolution OLED will remain stationary. Instead, the key-press mechanics are executed by a plastic cap which slides around the display like a sleeve to keep the wear and tear on the OLEDs to a minimum. Break a key? No problem, replacements will be offered for $10 a pop. Sorry, no freebies in the box like your Xmas tree lights -- we tried. And if you think that $1,490 is a bit too pricey for a 5-year keyboard, take heart: "two or three" additional keyboards are in the works with fewer programmable keys and a sub $1,000 price tag.%Gallery-2112%
Thomas Ricker03.14.2007