

  • OFLC lists 'Rock Band Project 9' ... it's likely The Beatles: Rock Band

    Alexander Sliwinski
    Alexander Sliwinski

    Australia's rating board, the OFLC, currently has a listing for "Rock Band Project 9," which it classified on April 29 of this year. We're not used to rating agencies using code terms, but it turns out that's likely what happened in this case. We got in touch with the Harmonix/MTV/EA combine and were informed by the hive mind, "We can confirm that The Beatles: Rock Band will be coming to Australia and New Zealand on September 9, 2009."But, but ... that wasn't even our question!! So, we'll take this to mean -- without it being said -- that Project 9 is code for The Beatles: Rock Band. This wouldn't be the only oddly labeled Rock Band title on the OFLC site, as Rock Band Unplugged is simply titled Rock Band PSP. Harmonix has been hiring like crazy -- and there are most certainly secret projects going on -- but "Project 9" will likely be all set to let us jam with Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band this autumn.[Thanks, Andrew]