Ratchet & Clank Future: Quest for Booty at ESRB
One of our sharp-eyed readers spotted an interesting listing on the ESRB website: a listing for Rachet & Clank Future: Quest for Booty, which has been an open secret since we have found previous evidence suggesting its existence. All signs point to it being a PSN download, but it is still unclear whether this will just an add-on for Ratchet & Clank Future or it can be played as a stand-alone game. With this ESRB listing, it shouldn't be long before we hear official word from Insomniac.[Thanks, Tom G.!]
alan tsang07.07.2008The quest for booty continues in Ratchet & Clank: En Busca del Tesoro
Months ago, a rumored PSN release list showed a game called Ratchet & Clank: Quest for Booty. Since then, we haven't heard much about this potential game, but a recently uncovered Spanish logo suggests that this is the real deal. En Busca Del Tesoro also refers to treasure, and may expand upon the fun pirate themes of Tools of Destruction. According to the Spanish release, this PSN downloadable will provide new adventures for our favorite robot-lombax duo.From the looks of things, this content may be playable without a copy of Ratchet & Clank Future. Now, all we have to do is wait for Insomniac to officially spill the beans. Check out a Spanish-language clip of Ratchet & Clank, after the cut.[Via NeoGAF]
Andrew Yoon06.04.2008Secret Agent Clank: brand new screenshots
Click for full-resolution image. If a picture can tell a thousand words, then we have 13,000 new words to say about Secret Agent Clank. This upcoming PSP-exclusive adventure has players returning to the world of Ratchet & Clank. Be amazed at Clank's surprising arsenal of ninja moves in these explosive screenshots. While it might not feature the same sheen as other PSP titles like God of War, we're confident that the team at High Impact can squeeze some more, er, impact, out of the PSP before its release.%Gallery-8260%
Andrew Yoon04.15.2008Ratchet & Clank: Size Matters drops to Greatest Hits price
The Greatest Hits line-up continues to grow. Well, at least according to amazon.com and Best Buy. Greatest Hits games are available at a budget price of $20. If you didn't pick up Size Matters yet, this is a great time to pick up a copy. Our review was quite favorable on Ratchet's first PSP outing -- at $20, it's a stellar deal.This price drop seems appropriately timed to get PSP fans ready for the upcoming Secret Agent Clank, another PSP follow-up to the always-popular Ratchet franchise.[Thanks, MikkoH.!]%Gallery-11888%
Andrew Yoon04.07.2008Around Azeroth: A bone headed move
A reader who didn't leave their character name or server sent us this shot of what appears to be one skeleton looting the other on the docks in Ratchet. I'm guessing the looter used to be a Rogue, but what is he expecting to get? Any ideas?Do you have any unusual World of Warcraft images that are just collecting dust in your screenshots folder? Because we'd love to see it on Around Azeroth! Sharing your screenshot is as simple as e-mailing aroundazeroth@wow.com with a copy of your shot and a brief explanation of the scene. You could be featured here next!%Gallery-1816%
Dan O'Halloran02.01.2008See a few Ratchet & Clank Future mishaps
Despite Ratchet & Clank: Future being one of the very best games currently available on the PS3, it's certainly not without a few quirks. Courtesy of Project Mod Gaming, we're shown a few in particular. Pretty silly video with some decent tunes to back it up.And before anyone says so, yes, it's been a pretty slow news day.
Chris Powell12.28.2007Rumor: Ratchet & Clank: Size Matters gets ported to PS2
What's a system without exclusives? Sony is supposedly porting the former PSP exclusive Ratchet & Clank title, Size Matters to the PS2. This isn't the first time a major PSP game has jumped ship. Syphon Filter: Dark Mirror and Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories are some big examples of previous titles. However, should PSP owners get angry about this predicament? Not really. This game will be nearly a year old by its supposed February 2008 release, and PSP owners should be fixed on a much more important platform exclusive: God of War: Chains of Olympus. It's a trend that shouldn't be encouraged too much. Already, games like Silent Hill Origins are rumored to be heading to PS2 as well. PSP owners should be comforted by months of exclusivity and the ability to play these games on the go. Of course, maybe these companies wouldn't port these games to the PS2 if PSP owners actually bothered to, y'know, buy them.[Via Joystiq]
Andrew Yoon12.14.2007Rumor: Ratchet & Clank: Size Matters expanding to PS2
The blending of the PS2 and PSP continues as PSP's Ratchet and Clank: Size Matters appears to be marked for PS2 release early next year. A GameStop listing says the game is expected Feb. 12, '08 for $30, but consider this a placeholder for now.Ratchet & Clank: Size Matters would join a solid list of games that made the jump from PSP to the PS2. Most famously at this point are the ports of GTA: Vice City Stories and GTA: Liberty City Stories, both of which ended up on the PS2 at the delicious consumer-friendly price of $20. We wouldn't mind seeing God of War: Chains of Olympus make the PS2 leap by holiday '08 -- but let's just get the thing out on PSP first.
Alexander Sliwinski12.14.2007NY Times sings praises for Ratchet & Clank
What? The mainstream media has a glowing review of a PS3 game? Yes, it's true. Insomniac's Ratchet & Clank Future is garnering the attention of many traditionally non-gaming news sources, such as the prestigious NY Times. Once again, the illustrious Pixar comparison is made for Ratchet's latest outing -- the game is visually compared to the likes of pre-rendered Hollywood blockbusters, like Monsters Inc. and Toy Story.This is important for Sony. The New York Times notes that this can be exactly what Sony needs to convince consumers about the true power of the PS3. "Ratchet, however, will surely become a showcase game for Sony because, given current technology, it seems unlikely that any game for either the 360 or the Wii will be able to match Ratchet's overall visual quality." Such praise from a mainstream news source will go a long way to alleviate Sony's ailing public image."The biggest problem with Ratchet is that at times it is so lushly compelling that you find yourself just staring at the screen, as if it were a movie, rather than actually playing the game. And that, of course, is not a bad problem at all."[Thanks, Will!]
Andrew Yoon10.31.2007Penny Arcade takes on Ratchet and Clank
Did you catch today's Penny Arcade strip? Well, hope you did -- it's a fun one, just for Ratchet & Clank fans. Check it out.Of course, as is usual for the Penny Arcade duo, they have a blog entry detailing their experiences with the game. "The new Ratchet & Clank is a marvel, further proof that Insomniac is the surest thing that platform has going for it. You'll travel to lush, hitch-free worlds where the brutal load times found in other Playstation titles are nowhere to be found. It's something everyone with the system will be playing, and it's executed at a level that should generate jealousy in the non-owner."We'd have to agree. Check out PS3 Fanboy's review of the game next Tuesday (right before it "officially" ships to stores!).
Andrew Yoon10.26.2007PSP Fanboy mega-interview: Secret Agent Clank
Little is known about the upcoming PSP exclusive Secret Agent Clank, briefly seen at an invite-only pre-Tokyo Game Show cocktail party. With the incredible mystery surrounding this new title, we asked our readers to come up with questions for the High Impact Games team. We're proud to present this PSP Fanboy mega-interview, which reveals the game's story, connectivity with the previous Ratchet games, and plans for a demo. Read on.How are you going to improve on Size Matters? Are there any improvements on your previous engine or are you building a new one?Dave Goodrich, Lead Designer: High Impact Games has taken advantage of the Size Matters engine to give us a strong base to work from for this exciting new adventure. Secret Agent Clank has a different style than Size Matters and has expanded into new game types such as timing and stealth. Along with new gameplay modes, there is an assortment of playable characters, each with their own unique levels.What kind of multiplayer support will there be? Will it work through Infrastructure?Dave Goodrich, Lead Designer: Secret Agent Clank is a very story intensive game with lots of unique gameplay elements. We have decided to focus our efforts on the single player game to make a really engrossing experience for the player. There is no multiplayer planned for this installment of the game.
Andrew Yoon10.25.2007Metareview: Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction
May the furries rejoice, the continuing adventures of a Lombax and his robot blows up the PS3 with Rachet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction. Apparently everything old about Ratchet & Clank is still old, but it's gussied up and makes excellent use of the PS3 as something other than a movie player. Ratchet & Clank looks to be a boon for games on the system, even if it does amount to what Game Informer deems perfectly as "comfort food." GameTap (100/100): "It's rare that a game critic feels the way I do about this game, but in all honesty, I find it really difficult to find something that's not to like. The controls feel great. The graphics look great. The score sounds great. The weapon selection alone make me want to play the game over and over again, just to test out all the cool offered. And that's that's what happens when a smart development team has spent a long time imagining a game like this. It's obvious they've accomplished feats here that they've probably been wanting to do for a long time." Game Informer (93/100): "You know how we always say that it's not enough to make a prettier version of a last-generation title – that you really need to offer us something that wasn't possible five years ago? Well, leave it to Insomniac to make me a liar. Because, in all reality, Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction sticks extremely close to the formula that made the series one of the PS2's best. There's not much here I haven't seen before. But I don't care, and neither will you, because this is an adventure packed to the brim with vivid characters, amazing gameplay, and heartfelt humor. In a way, it's the ultimate in video game comfort food – a familiar old favorite for those times when you're hungry for nothing but an expertly crafted good time." Gamespot (75/100): "Try as it might, Tools of Destruction doesn't achieve the same level of greatness as its predecessors. It's too easy, the story falls flat, and the "throw everything in including the kitchen sink" style of gameplay takes too much of the focus off the tight platforming and fun combat. That said, the gorgeous visuals and generally fun gameplay are enough to make Tools of Destruction worthwhile for the series' fans and newcomers alike."
Alexander Sliwinski10.24.2007Firmware 1.94 adds DualShock rumble support
Ratchet & Clank Future (available in retail stores soon) is the first retail PS3 game to support rumble out of the box. The game includes firmware update 1.94 on the disc and will allow players with DualShock 3 controllers to experience the incredible innovation of rumble.The firmware is, as of writing, not yet available for download. DualShock 3 controllers will be available in Japan in November and in America next year.[Via Joystiq]
Andrew Yoon10.23.2007Around Azeroth: Moon over Ratchet
Sure, it's old content, but reader Aaron sent in this shot of the moon peeking out over Ratchet from which I think is quite lovely. My only question is -- where'd the shot come from? Is there a flight path that comes in from the sea allowing one to catch the entire town at a glance? Or was the shot taken from a high perch on an incoming ship?Do you have a unique shot of Azeroth or Outland that you'd like to show off to the rest of the world? Tell us about it by e-mailing a copy to aroundazeroth@wow.com, with as much or as little detail as you'd like to share with the world! %Gallery-1816%
Elizabeth Harper10.08.2007Ratchet & Clank delayed one week
It looks like Ratchet & Clank didn't show up three hours early to get through spaceport security and will be delayed a week. The boys were expected on Oct. 23, but according to the PlayStation Blog they'll be arriving Oct. 30. Not only has the game been delayed, but the demo expected Oct. 4 on PSN will now show up on Oct. 11. If you can't wait for the demo, remember that you can always pick it up at GameStop with a pre-order of Ratchet & Clank Future.R&C Future is definitely a game we're looking forward to. Not only because the series has always been solid, but because we like pretty colors and we're getting a little sick of the brown motif in games. A week extra isn't so bad compared to other PS3 delays we've seen.[Via Gamespot]
Alexander Sliwinski09.28.2007Ratchet & Clank goes gold; game gets one-week delay
Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction has finally gone gold. For those that are unfamiliar with the industry lingo, that means the game is done and is being manufactured for the masses to enjoy. But, hidden in the good news comes the bad -- Tools of Destruction is getting a delay. Yes, a tiny one, but a delay nonetheless. You can now expect the game a week later: October 30th. The demo will arrive "by October 11th," although the demo was originally planned for a October 4th release. The demo will be based on the E3 demo, the one which features Metropolis. Stay tuned to PS3 Fanboy as we have tons of Ratchet swag to give away.
Andrew Yoon09.27.2007TGS07: Ratchet & Clank Future Japanese trailer and Sixaxis control video
Above you'll find the Japanese trailer for Ratchet & Clank Future, and after the break we've got a video showing a little bit how the Sixaxis is implemented in the game. If Ratchet looks a little weird to you (notice the dark eyebrows and eye difference), it's because the Japanese actually have a different Ratchet. Not only that, but they have a different story going on. Localization is funny like that. If you'd like to know more, PS3 Fanboy has a great interview with Insomniac's Ryan Schneider as he explains the different Ratchets. He says, "In Japan ... they will write their own backstory and they have their own sensibilities. We actively support and encourage that and they're great in identifying what works in that market. Of course, we don't complain because we're one of the few successful Western franchises there period." Although the Japanese Ratchet won't be unlockable in the US version, the Japanese language mode will.
Alexander Sliwinski09.20.2007TGS07: Secret Agent Clank hands-on
Sony revealed a brand new game at its pre-TGS media event. Unfortunately, it was a game we all knew was coming: Secret Agent Clank, a new PSP continuation of the popular Ratchet & Clank series. First accidentally leaked on the musician's resume, and then accidentally confirmed to PSP Fanboy by a developer, the existence of Secret Agent Clank was ironically not very secret at all.The brief hands-on time we had with the game highlighted gameplay that strays far from what series fans have become accustomed to. The first part had Clank jumping through laser grids while pressing buttons in a music-based rhythm game that very closely resembles PaRappa the Rapper. The next area showed platforming as Clank, sans Ratchet. Finally, we encountered a boss where we finally got to play as Captain Quark. Like another green-plad video game character, he uses a vacuum gun to suck trash and projectiles and throw it back to the enemy.The visuals were on par with the previous Ratchet & Clank title from High Impact Games. The game still has a long way to go, and will not be present at Tokyo Game Show this year.
Andrew Yoon09.19.2007Ratchet & Clank Future to feature Japanese voice acting
Ryan, ahem, Schneider, just got back to us, adding a few new details to our previous interview with him. Firstly, it appears that the Japanese Ratchet model (the one with the big bushy eyebrows) will not be included in the US version of the game. What will make the cut, strangely, is the Japanese language track, allowing you to have all sorts of kawaii adventures with Ratchet and his robot pal.If you missed it, read the complete interview here.
Andrew Yoon09.17.2007PS3 Fanboy interviews Ratchet and Clank's Ryan Schneider
We got in touch with Ryan Schneider, our friend at Insomniac, and talked a little bit more about their upcoming Ratchet & Clank game. Ryan was able to tell us a bit about the game's massive size, potential Home integration, and more. The search for the Lombax Secret, and Ratchet's past, is certainly driving a much stronger story in this iteration. What sparked the change for a more story-oriented game this time around?I would say the quality of writing has been outstanding. TJ Fixman is our writer. He's a guy with his own agent, and he has movies optioned. We just have a terrific writer. It's not so much that we were taking a different tact to the story compared to the past. But the topic is more epic in general. We're exploring Ratchet's roots. Why is he the last of his kind? What is the Lombax Secret? Who are the Zoni and why is Clank the only one to see them? What kind of dynamic tension does that create? Will Ratchet trust his buddy Clank, or will he think he's got a bolt loose in his head, and he's gone haywire? These are the elements that make a good story. We've turned the lens inward. If you look at the past Ratchet games, it was about Ratchet against an enemy. Now, he's on a quest to discover something about himself. I think that alone makes the story more epic and more mysterious.Is the writer new to the franchise?Yes, this is TJ's first Ratchet game. TJ and Brian Hastings make for a great team. Bryan's our chief creative officer, and TJ's one of the funnier people I know. We love butt jokes -- and what's cool to us is that it does appeal to eight year olds and adults. The animators did a great job too. For example, in one scene Quark gives Ratchet and Clank a clue. It's the pirate guys and he says "check out this pirate design. It's perfect for parties and late night misadventures." Then, he leans into the screen and winks. It's not written into the script but it makes it come to life and makes it that much funnier.%Gallery-3204%
Andrew Yoon09.16.2007