

  • AOL

    RealDoll's first sex robot took me to the uncanny valley

    Christopher Trout
    Christopher Trout

    During my four-hour visit to the birthplace of the RealDoll, the frighteningly life-like full-body sex toy, I've seen mounds of silicone vaginas, sheets of detached nipples, headless women hanging from meat hooks, a 2-foot penis and skulls with removable faces that attach like refrigerator magnets. NSFW Warning: This story may contain links to and descriptions or images of explicit sexual acts

  • Illustration by D. Thomas Magee

    Robots, VR and the future of male masturbators

    Christopher Trout
    Christopher Trout

    In my time as a human with a penis, I've penetrated more inanimate objects than I care to admit. NSFW Warning: This story may contain links to and descriptions or images of explicit sexual acts.

  • [Image Credit: AP Photo/Paul Sakuma]

    Dear first-generation sex robot ...

    Christopher Trout
    Christopher Trout

    It appears we're on the brink of a robo-sexual revolution. Some have claimed that you'll be, like the selfie, a socially derided mainstay by 2025. Other, more conservative, estimates posit that having sex with you will be either commonplace or more popular than human-on-human sex by 2050. Whatever the case, you're coming -- or should I say arriving -- soon.