

  • Link to Text Fragment

    Google's latest Chrome extension helps you link directly to a piece of website text

    Rachel England
    Rachel England

    The extension makes it easier to point towards specific text.

  • Free HTML snippet file for TextExpander

    David Chartier
    David Chartier

    TextExpander is another favorite utility in the TUAW tool belt, as it can save a boatload of time with repeatedly typing anything from email signatures to canned customer service replies and even code. In fact, SmileOnMyMac just made HTML coding a bit easier on web designers and hackers everywhere by posting an HTML snippet file that contains abbreviations for over 60 common pieces of HTML, ripe for cutting down on the time it takes to hand code your sites. This file should serve as a great example of the power of TextExpander, since SmileOnMyMac made sure to use some of the app's tricks that insert the cursor in a useful place after expanding a snippet, such as in between the quotes of: <a href=""></a>, allowing you to easily fill in the blanks. But don't stop there - a little exploring of how these snippets are put together should enable you to build your own for the specific kinds of work and code you use.This snippet file is free from SmileOnMyMac's site, and the highly recommended TextExpander sells for $29.95 with a whopping 90 day money-back guarantee.

  • DEVONthink Pro Office 1.3 shipping

    Mat Lu
    Mat Lu

    While there are many, many information managers for the Mac, DEVONThink is the only one that claims to have a "powerful artificial intelligence (AI) architecture that helps you organize and navigate your information collection quickly and accurately." Now after an extensive testing period, DEVONtechnologies is officially shipping DEVONthink Professional Office 1.3. The Office version adds scanning and OCR support to DEVONthink, allowing you to scan documents and make them searchable. They note that DEVONthink works particularly well with the Fujitsu SnapScan (right), for getting all that paper into your Mac.DEVONthink comes in several versions, with Professional Office at $139.95 (though educational discounts are available) and demos are available.[Via MacMinute]