

  • Albion Online's six-month road map

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    Sandbox Interactive has been busy compiling and utilizing all the information that was gleaned from Albion Online's summer alpha event last month, and now the studio has developed a new six-month road map for the game. Going off of the team's internal list that prioritizes more than 170 features of changes to the game as well as features that will be added, Founder and CEO Stefan Wiezorek presented the road map to backers and fans to give them an overall perspective of the upcoming work. Everything from crime-flagging to territory upkeep to dungeons to building to mounts is covered; even farming and salvaging have sections. It's a pretty meaty post, so for all the juicy details, head to the official forums. Wiezorek also noted that in order to reach the goal of having 50% of this list completed by the Winter Alpha event, the devs will postpone the event until mind or late January instead of December. The start date for this winter event will be available come December.

  • Massively Exclusive: Albion Online dev blog explains diversity with spells and crafted items

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    Previously, we learned about Albion Online's territory control, housing, the economy, and more in our exclusive interview with CEO Stefan Wiezorek. Thanks to this exclusive dev blog, today we get a look at the relationship between crafting and spells and how that translates into deeper character customization. In short, Albion players will craft spells that can be put on crafted gear, which in turn gives them access to that spell whenever they equip that item. This system offers an endless possibility of combinations as players equip various items, each with their own set of spells added on. For a detailed run-down of this system, check out the full dev blog after the break.

  • Some Assembly Required Extra: The scoop on Albion Online

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    After a long drought in the industry, the tide of the sandbox gaming is finally coming in. This year can definitely be called the year of the sandbox. While not all of them are out yet, many more games promising those features we love are in development now than ever before. In fact, there are so many titles floating about now that it can be hard to keep them straight! One of the latest upcoming titles to be announced is the stylized, medieval sandbox Albion Online. With such offerings as territory control, housing, a player-driven economy, and full looting, this game certainly fits the sandbox bill. Heck, the development company is even named Sandbox Interactive! But what makes Albion Online stand out from the pack is that it will be a cross-platform experience; players will be accessing the game via both tablets and PCs. Of course, as promising as it may sound, just a terse feature list doesn't give players the kind of details we want. So to get the scoop, I had a chat with Sandbox Interactive CEO Stefan Wiezorek, who shared more information about the economy, housing,the skill system, PvP, and territory control.