

  • See the Need for Speed ad you missed by skipping the Super Bowl

    Earnest Cavalli
    Earnest Cavalli

    Those of you who didn't spend yesterday hovering around a glowing picture box, while giant sports guys from Seattle trounced giant sports guys from Denver, missed the above teaser for the live-action Need for Speed movie. Aside from pretty cars crashing and Aaron Paul's sole line of dialogue, you didn't miss much. [Image: Dreamworks]

  • WRUP: Infographic Edition

    Anne Stickney
    Anne Stickney

    Blizzard put together a pretty neat infographic earlier this week that pointed out all kinds of cool and interesting tidbits of information about World of Warcraft. While I did enjoy the pile of intriguing facts and figures surrounding the game, I wondered if perhaps there might be something missing from the infographic that should have been included. So I put the question to our writers this week, as well as the usual inquiry: What are you playing? As for me, I'll be bumming around on an alt. Except for Sunday. There's this big game on Sunday that I have a vested interest in and will be watching from my snow-blanketed home, somewhere in the mountains of Colorado. Adam Koebel (@bendakwow) I'll be working on my alt, farming Warbringers, and perhaps I'll do some challenge modes. I would have liked to see some class specific stats on the infographic (e.g. the 5 most tamed hunter pets), or some silly stats like the total number of deaths from falling. As for the Superbowl... I guess that means less competition on the Warbringers for me!