

  • Patch 1.12: Rogue Talent Calculator Live

    Elizabeth Harper
    Elizabeth Harper

    A new talent calculator showcasing the rogue changes went online today.  With it, of course, comes plenty of speculation about possible new talent combinations and viable builds.  I don't think the combat build I've been putting together with my own rogue has changed much, there are more viable options in the assassination and subtlety trees to pair with it.  Decisions, decisions....

  • New Talent Calculators Online

    Elizabeth Harper
    Elizabeth Harper

    Everyone seemed to complain that the talent calculators on the official web site were slow and difficult to use.  The talent calculators on Wowhead seemed to be favored by nearly everyone I encountered, with their slick design and layout.  Blizzard has taken note of this when redesigning their own talent calculators, which are now online.  I find Blizzard's borrowing from community projects interesting (note also there are several features that are awfully similar to CTRaid Assist coming in patch 1.11) - any other opinions?

  • Mage & Shaman Talent Calculators

    Elizabeth Harper
    Elizabeth Harper

    Official talent calculators have been released for the recently reviewed mage and shaman talent trees.  These provide a clearer picture of the mage and shaman revisions than the already available text-based descriptions for the classes.  To those dissatisfied with these changes, I can only encourage you to wait until we see how they play out on the test realms.