

  • STXsurreal

    Robert Rodriguez releases over-the-top VR film 'The Limit'

    Jon Fingas
    Jon Fingas

    Want to see how well Robert Rodriguez' directorial skills translate to virtual reality? Now's your chance. Rodriguez and STX have released The Limit on nearly every major VR-capable platform, including Oculus headsets, HTC's Vive line, Android, iOS, PlayStation VR and Windows Mixed Reality. Shell out $10 ($8 on phones, and half-off during the launch period) and you'll take part in a 20-minute film where you recruit a "super-assassin" (Michelle Rodriguez) to recover your identity and seek justice. To no one's surprise, this involves a whole lot of punching, shooting and gratuitous explosions. Norman Reedus also plays a pivotal role, although the trailer suggests he might not be so friendly.

  • Jay West via Getty Images

    Robert Rodriguez preps VR action series 'The Limit'

    Jon Fingas
    Jon Fingas

    Director Robert Rodriguez has been teasing a virtual reality video project for a while, and now it's clear just what it entails. He's partnering with STX on The Limit, a short-form VR action series starring long-time collaborator Michelle Rodriguez as a "genetically enhanced weapon of mass destruction" bent on destroying her creators. It's not a profound exploration of the human condition, then, but there's no question of the talent both in front of and behind the camera.