

  • Twitter

    Twitter adds thread tools to help you craft epic tweetstorms

    Jon Fingas
    Jon Fingas

    Multi-part tweetstorms are a staple of Twitter, for better or worse, and the social network wants them to be as easy to write as possible. After months of testing, it's adding a thread feature that simplifies creating and posting a series of tweets. The composer now includes a "plus" button that lets you tack on additional tweets, with whatever you've written before still visible to help guide your train of thought. And when you're ready, you can post everything at once -- no more leaving people hanging while you write the conclusion to your thrilling saga. You can add posts after the fact if you need to write an epilogue.

  • Leon Neal/Getty Images

    Twitter tests a feature that simplifies your tweetstorms

    Jon Fingas
    Jon Fingas

    Tweetstorms are a staple of Twitter these days -- it's not uncommon to see someone shout "thread" and point to a mammoth 30-tweet piece of political commentary. Whether or not you feel that's the best use of Twitter, it could soon be much easier to compose those epic-length stories. A user (going by the alias Devesh Logendran) has discovered a hidden, experimental tweetstorm feature in Twitter's Android app that simplifies the process. Instead of posting tweets one at a time and replying to them in sequence, you compose everything behind the scenes and share it all at once. You wouldn't have to worry about a broken sequence, or people replying to your story before you've finished telling it.