

  • VorpX makes games compatible with 3D, Oculus Rift

    Oculus Rift enthusiasts may want to take note of VorpX, a 3D driver that is planned to allow Rift users to play a games that don't officially support the device. Although the price and release date for the final version of the software have not been announced, the beta version is available for $43.99 and includes updates up until a future 2.0 version. VorpX offers a few features to help make games that weren't developed for the Rift actually playable on the device. For instance, using its "edge peek" feature by clicking and holding a mouse's scroll wheel will allow players to look at the edges of the displayed picture while it's locked into a static view. Letting go of the wheel will re-associate camera control with the movement of a player's head. The product's website also compares the two modes VorpX uses to create a 3D effect. The "Z-buffer" mode favors performance over visuals, trading a weaker depth perception for an "almost guaranteed" 60Hz. Those that have the hardware for it can opt for "Geometry 3D" mode, which improves the depth perception in some games but runs at "roughly half the speed" of the "Z-buffer" mode. Not every game will be able to use both modes. An official list of supported games will be published on the VorpX site before release, but support for "about 50 games" is planned for the software's first release. These plans include The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, Dishonored, Mirror's Edge, Bioshock Infinite and Fallout 3.

  • VorpX turns BioShock Infinite, Mirror's Edge (and more) into Oculus Rift-ready games

    Irrational Games' blockbuster BioShock Infinite and EA DICE's Mirror's Edge weren't built with the Oculus Rift in mind, but both are part of a huge list of games supported by a new piece of software available today: VorpX. The still-in-beta, $40 application promises to convert a variety of games from monitor-exclusive experiences to Oculus Rift-ready VR games, including the aforementioned two and a lengthy list of others. As none of the supported games are meant to work with the Rift, a variety of workarounds are implemented by VorpX. Clicking in and holding down your mouse wheel, for instance, allows you to "edge peek," which allows users to look freely at the edges of their field-of-view instead of it moving with the headset's movement. Additionally, since rendering two distinct views of high-def, modern games is taxing, VorpX uses a workaround called "Z-buffer," which is apparently "the highest performing" of the two available options, but not as pretty. You can also choose "Geometry 3D," which does render two distinct feeds and, well, we're jealous of whatever system you've got that's running that smoothly. Not every game supports both modes, but a fair number do (there's a list right here comparing both). Head below for a handful of video demonstrations of VorpX in action, as well as the full list of supported games.

    Ben Gilbert