

  • WoW Insider is available on your Amazon Kindle

    Michael Sacco
    Michael Sacco

    So, I bought an Amazon Kindle recently, and it's just the coolest thing. All the books I could ever read, available to me any time, on a crisp, easy-to-read display that doesn't hurt my eyes. "But I don't care about books," you say. "I care about blogs! Specifically, blogs about WoW that are named WoW Insider!" Well, you're in luck. WoW Insider is available on the Kindle right this very moment, and you can get it one of two ways. The first is to use the experimental browser, accessible from the main Kindle menu under "Experimental"; enter our URL or mobile address ( The browser is surprisingly nice for being on an e-reader device, and especially for being in black and white. The second way is admittedly cooler. You can subscribe to WoW Insider from the Blogs section of the Kindle Store for a small fee, and as long as you have a wireless connection, your Kindle will automatically update your archive of WoW Insider articles as often as we post new articles. Most formatting is intact in the Kindle blog format -- the only thing missing is pictures. Reading the latest Know Your Lore like it was a book? Now that's technology I can get behind.