Warlords of Draenor: Itemization changes on the way
According to the latest round of alpha patch notes from patch 6.0, we're in for some major itemization changes in Warlords of Draenor. While we've had bits and pieces of information regarding itemization and stat changes in the upcoming expansion, we didn't really have a lot of clarification or detail on exactly what those changes are going to be. The latest iteration of patch notes has cleared that up considerably, and expanded on what little we knew. Hit and Expertise are both gone, replaced instead with a universally useful secondary stat. Three new secondary stats have been added -- Bonus Armor, which simply increases armor; Multistrike, which grants attacks and abilities a chance to fire an additional time for 30% effectiveness; and Readiness, which reduces the cooldown of several class abilities with long cooldowns. Multistrike works for both damage and healing abilities, making it useful for all classes and specializations. In addition, the amount of role-specific stats is being reduced. Tanks will use Armor, which replaces both Dodge and Parry, and Spirit will be useful only to healers. But it's the changes to items themselves that sound absolutely intriguing.
Anne Stickney04.19.2014Wowhead launches Warlords of Draenor database
With the Warlords of Draenor alpha now underway, the datamining efforts are in full swing. Our friends over at Wowhead have compiled their information into a specific Warlords of Draenor database, ready to fulfill all your spoiler-iffic, data-licious desires. You can find tabs for spells, talents, glyphs, factions, zones, items, and even a few item sets, for the transmogrification-conscious. Some of the details, such as icons, are still missing, but this is only the first round of datamining, and only the alpha after all! The database will certainly be updated as needed and as more information becomes available. As if to further emphasize the ephemerality of some of this information, there are some entertaining little alpha tidbits in there--items such as the "Test Chest" (it rhymes!), "Chris' New CR Test Gloves," and the fantastic "Novel Mind-Blowing Chest Guard." For some unfathomable reason I have a sneaking suspicion that these aren't the items' final names. It's just a hunch, though!
Sarah Pine04.07.2014Wowhead catalogs pop culture in WoW
Ever wondered about all the references to pop culture that permeate the World of Warcraft universe? Well, you're in luck. Perculia from Wowhead is putting together a comprehensive guide to all things pop culture in WoW. And she's just getting started, this first instalment covers items that relate to general culture, food and drink, movies, television and other video games. And it's really interesting reading. I'm kind of terrible at pop culture, but even I've heard of P.E.T.A. What I didn't know was just how many in-game items reference the charity. G.E.H.T.A., for example, is a gun that reduces your attack power against beasts, found in the D.E.H.T.A.'s little P.I.T.A. achievement chain. It's accompanied by various other ethical items. That's just the tip of the iceberg. Perculia has a truly encyclopaedic knowledge of WoW items, and it's great to read as she delves into that expertise with guides like these! Read through it, I'll bet you learn something new.
Olivia Grace12.29.2013Transmog helms, TCG-style items coming to Blizzard Pet Store
Blizzard is adding a little variety to the Pet Store, in the form of transmogrification items and toys. In the preview posted on the official site, Bashiok talks about each of the items that will be made available at some point in the future. Perhaps the most interesting items are new helms with vivid spell effects that players can use for transmogrification purposes. One is an icy helm with a skull that covers the player's face, another is a set of fiery horns, and the third is a glowing red and black hood, which appears to be complete with a pair of ominous red eyes. In addition to the transmogrification items, Blizzard will also be adding some fun, limited-use items similar to those that you can currently get from the WoW TCG. The first is a seesaw that you and a party member can hop on, the second is the Iron Hitching Post, an item you can place on the ground. Up to 24 players can click on the item to jump on a gorgeous Iron Warhorse mount -- perfect for storming the Battlegrounds. It's interesting to see Blizzard take a different approach to the Pet Store. Originally just a place where players could purchase fun pets and mounts, the new additions add a lot of variety. I doubt I'll be purchasing any of the helms, but that Iron Hitching Post is certainly tempting, as is the seesaw. I don't think I mind the new additions, as they serve the same purpose as mounts and pets -- nothing that will further your character's performance, just fun items for cosmetic purposes. While we don't know exactly when these items will be hitting the Pet Store, what do you think? Are there other things you'd like to see added? Would you rather transmogrification gear simply be an in-game option? Will you be purchasing any of the new stuff?
Anne Stickney07.12.2013Phat Loot Phriday: Burning Blossoms
The druid called Not Spot stood with his jaw ajar while he watched a cackling blood elf run away from the Alliance bonfire. "Did that man just relieve himself on our fire?" the druid asked. Throgg nodded slowly. "Desecrating the FIre," the orc said. "If it helps, the Alliance do it to our Horde fires, too." "Why would they do such a thing? That's absolutely barbaric! Not to mention how incredibly unsanitary." "You get Burning Blossoms for it," Lolegolas explained. "You turn those flowers in for fabulous prizes. Some people are really into it. Throgg has an entire outfit." "I've not even started yet this year," Throgg complained. "I've been too busy." "Remind me not to start a cooking fire near you," the druid said. Item Note: Don't forget the festival ends next week! Gather your blossoms while ye may! Phat Loot Phriday brings you the scoop on some of the most ... interesting ... loot in the World of Warcraft, often viewed through the eyes of the stalwart Throgg and indelible Lolegolas. Suggest items you think we should feature by emailing
Michael Gray06.28.2013Phat Loot Phriday: Grievous Gladiator's Dragonhide Helm
"It's not that I'm not happy to see you," Lolegolas carefully said. "But what on Azeroth are you wearing?" "You look like a stag beetle," Throgg said. "Like an angry, fuzzy stag beetle." The druid looked down at his outfit and then plucked the helmet off his head. "Oh. It's the Grievous Gladiator's Dragonhide Helm. I picked it up while fighting in the arena." "Were you fighting stag beetles?" Throgg asked. "Did you skin them and wear their buggy hats as a prize?" The Gilnean known as Not Spot growled slightly, then laughed. "No. Just other fighters. It's how I paid my way to catch up with you two. My kitty fu has grown strong." "Also," the blood elf interjected, "it'd be good camouflage for infiltrating Silithus. It's a harsh helmet. A bug helmet." Item Note: While the Grievous Gladiator's Dragonhide Helm obviously looked pretty good, I can't help but dwell on its beetle-like nature. I think this might be my favorite druid hat since the days of the moose horns. Phat Loot Phriday brings you the scoop on some of the most ... interesting ... loot in the World of Warcraft, often viewed through the eyes of the stalwart Throgg and indelible Lolegolas. Suggest items you think we should feature by emailing
Michael Gray06.14.2013Phat Loot Phriday: Bo-Ris, Horror in the Night
The dashing duo of destruction and daring-do sat calmly around a basic campfire. They were certainly not arguing about whether the campfire would be suitable replacement for Garrosh and they definitely weren't discussing the basic campfire's ignominious transformation into a simple cooking fire. But both Throgg and Lolegolas pulled up short when the clearing suddenly filled with a viscous, gray smoke. "I am the Horror that flaps in the night," a mysterious voice paraphrased. "I am the campfire that cooks your goose." Throgg stood, wrapping his sinewed hand around his polearm handle. "Show yourself." A vast druid-hawk appeared in the circle. In another moment, it disappeared in a puff of smoke, replaced by a huge, smiling worgen. "I am not Spot!" The worgen grinned again. "Sorry, when I saw you wielding Bo-Ris, I couldn't help myself." Throgg dropped the weapon on the ground as he embraced the druid in a mammoth hug. "It's mostly for mogging," Throgg expositioned. "Strength polearms are so rare." "How did you find us?" Lolegolas asked incredulously. "We thought we'd lost you months ago." "That, my friends," the druid said, "is a much, much longer story. Before we begin... do you have any ale? I'm parched." Item Note: In fact, not only is the polearm one of the very few Strength polearms ever to see Azeroth, it looks pretty cool. Of course, you can do better for weapons now, but make sure to grab one for your undergeared alts. Phat Loot Phriday brings you the scoop on some of the most ... interesting ... loot in the World of Warcraft, often viewed through the eyes of the stalwart Throgg and indelible Lolegolas. Suggest items you think we should feature by emailing
Michael Gray06.07.2013Phat Loot Phriday: Girdle of Eternal Memory
It's Memorial Day weekend in the United States. And so we feature the Girdle of Eternal Memory. It's a silly, meaningless gesture in the face of the overwhelming sacrifices made by the members of our uniformed services, but it's the one we have. So this weekend, I hope you take a moment or three of silence and consider the words spoken by TIrion: "We shall take heart in his shining example and in your selflessness. Thank you for all that you have done." Phat Loot Phriday brings you the scoop on some of the most ... interesting ... loot in the World of Warcraft, often viewed through the eyes of the stalwart Throgg and indelible Lolegolas. Suggest items you think we should feature by emailing
Michael Gray05.24.2013Phat Loot Phriday: Unborn Val'kyr
The ghostly creature hovered in the air, quietly chewing on a chocolate chip cookie. Her iridescent wings flapped in slow, lazy arcs. "And you don't know where you got her?" Lolegolas asked. "No clue at all?" "None," Throgg confirmed. "I just opened up my pet bag and poof. There she was. She's pretty cute, though. In an adorable way, I mean." Lolegolas nodded. "So, she's a mystery. Why is she unborn?" "It turns out her people don't consider you really born until you kill a worthy target," Throgg said. "That's kind of harsh," Lolegolas said. "Does she fight well?" "Incredibly well," Throgg said. "That's why I gave her a cookie. She totally decimated my opponent a few moments ago. She likes cookies." Item Note: The Unborn Val'kyr is shrouded in mystery; we're not quite sure where you can get it yet. While Northrend is an obvious component, the details are still vague. Stay tuned for more details! Phat Loot Phriday brings you the scoop on some of the most ... interesting ... loot in the World of Warcraft, often viewed through the eyes of the stalwart Throgg and indelible Lolegolas. Suggest items you think we should feature by emailing
Michael Gray05.17.2013Phat Loot Phriday: Curious Wolvar Pup
"I have a plan," the druid told the curious wolvar pup. "I know how I'm going to get you adopted." The pup looked up at the Gilnean and growled curiously. "Skrrrrrrr." "There's this orc. Likes puppies," the Gilnean said. "And it turns out, you're a pup. He's going to call you Spot, though. I should warn you." "Skrrrrr?" "It's a common name for dogs," the Gilnean explained. "As a worgen, I'm sure you understand why I dislike that." The wolvar bounced in place and clapped its tiny little hands together. "I'm going to miss you though, little Skir. You're pretty cute." Item Note: The best part of Children's Week is that is has the very best rewards. Sure, there's the Curious Wolvar Pup but there's also Willy and Speedy and Egbert and so many more. Best pets ever! Check out our guide if you need a little help! Phat Loot Phriday brings you the scoop on some of the most ... interesting ... loot in the World of Warcraft, often viewed through the eyes of the stalwart Throgg and indelible Lolegolas. Suggest items you think we should feature by emailing
Michael Gray05.03.2013Phat Loot Phriday: Xan'tish's Flute
Throgg danced a merry jig, playing his flute, with a line of snakes following along behind him. Lolegolas leaned against a tree, watching the orc rock out with his flute out. The meadows surrounding them shimmered with yellow grass. "So, you really got into the rebellion, didn't you?" Lolegolas said to nobody in particular. "Big fan of the trolls and their toys, are we?" Throgg ignored him as a particularly jiggy cobra slithered by. Thick grime from the recent rainfall, and the inevitable wet earth, clung to his pants. "Xan'tish's Flute, he says," the blood elf moaned. "Get snakes to follow me, he says. You realized, it's supposed to be rats. You play your pan pipes, or whatever they are, and you get rats." Throgg kept dancing in the open fields. The blood elf sighed. "Look, I'm just tired of the merry jigging snakes in this mudder loving plain." Throgg stopped. "Too soon, man. That's still not funny." Item Notes: Another gift from our friends in the upcoming patch, wild snakes will follow you for a minute. Phat Loot Phriday brings you the scoop on some of the most ... interesting ... loot in the World of Warcraft, often viewed through the eyes of the stalwart Throgg and indelible Lolegolas. Suggest items you think we should feature by emailing
Michael Gray04.26.2013Phat Loot Phriday: Gazh'rooki's Summoning Stone
"Throgg. Throgg!" the blood elf yelled. "There's a miniature kaiju eating my shoe." Lolegolas watched the little monster gnaw on his boots. "Why is there a miniature kaiju eating my shoe?" Throgg smiled and shushed the little monster away from the elf's footwear. "It's Gazh'rooki!" "I... see," Lolegolas said. "And where did you get it?" "I might have helped the Darkspear with their whole rebellion thing," Throgg said slowly. "I've never been a big fan of Garrosh." "Well, he did try to kill you," Lolegolas said. "One takes that sort of thing somewhat personally." Throgg nodded. "So, I was helping out, as you do, and I got this little Gazh'rooki. It's like a miniature Gahz'rilla!" "I picked up on that," Lolegolas responded. Item Notes: If you don't get the name, this information is very relevant to you. Otherwise, this little fella is a reward for helping out in patch 5.3. Phat Loot Phriday brings you the scoop on some of the most ... interesting ... loot in the World of Warcraft, often viewed through the eyes of the stalwart Throgg and indelible Lolegolas. Suggest items you think we should feature by emailing
Michael Gray04.19.2013Phat Loot Phriday: Invocation of the Dawn
The druid known as Not Spot muttered to himself while scrawling a sigil on the ground. The artwork took longer than usual since he was using the handle of an immense hammer. As soon as the picture was finished, a flash of light erupted in the small clearing and a woman in scintillating robes appeared. The druid blinked. "Uh." "What?" she asked. "I'm a priest." "Like, you can heal me and such?" the worgen asked. "I'm a druid. I can handle that myself, for the most part." "I prefer Discipline, actually," the priest answered. "Though, we still heal. But it's pretty different from what druids do." "You really weren't what I was expecting," the worgen replied. "I was looking for help finding my friends." "What were you expecting with an Invocation of the Dawn? It's a powerful caster mace," she answered. "Of course you'd see someone like me." Item Note: Much to everyone's chagrin, this weapon will not actually summon a priest blogger. However, it does have smashing stats and drops in the Throne of Thunder. Phat Loot Phriday brings you the scoop on some of the most ... interesting ... loot in the World of Warcraft, often viewed through the eyes of the stalwart Throgg and indelible Lolegolas. Suggest items you think we should feature by emailing
Michael Gray04.05.2013Phat Loot Phriday: Lil' Bad Wolf
Lolegolas slapped a hand over his mouth to keep from laughing. Throgg failed to restrain the same urge but his mirth emerged as uncontrollable giggles. "What?" roared the Lil' Bad Wolf. "You dare mock me? Tremble before my mighty claws!" "You're just so cute!" Lolegolas responded. "Run away, little girl!" the diminuitive worgen pronounced. Its fierce claws would be frightening if it came up to anyone's knees. "Run away!" "Okay, I give up, Throgg," the blood elf said. "Where'd you get him?" "Karazhan," the orc responded. "It came with the Spiky Collar." "What are you naming it?" the blood elf asked. "Rose." "Of course," he responded. "Who's a lil' bad wolf? Who's a lil' bad wolf?" 'Little elf, don't taunt the miniature worgen." "Why?" Lolegolas asked. "Can it hurt me?" "No, it's just tacky." Item Note: The Lil' Bad Wolf is taught by the Spiky Collar which drops from the Big Bad Wolf in Karazhan, once patch 5.3 rolls out. Phat Loot Phriday brings you the scoop on some of the most ... interesting ... loot in the World of Warcraft, often viewed through the eyes of the stalwart Throgg and indelible Lolegolas. Suggest items you think we should feature by emailing
Michael Gray03.29.2013Phat Loot Phriday: Band of Finding
The worgen ran on all fours. Thick padded feet pounded earth and stone and grass. He occasionally swapped out the canine gift of his nation for the more magnificent speed of a stag. But mostly, the worgen just ran. The Band of Finding glittered on his paw. Hand. Hoof. It's a druid, it changes, okay? While the ring would hardly be the biggest upgrade the druid would see in Pandaria's misty realm, he liked the synchronicity of it. The druid was trying to find his band, so why not use the Band of Finding? So still, he just kept running. After so long a separation, the druid was pretty sure he'd beat up the blood elf and orc as soon as he found them. It seemed appropriate, at this point. Item Note: You pick up the Band of Finding from Finding Your Center or Instant Messaging. You get it fairly early into the late 80s, so it's not like it's a mind-blowing ring long term. But if you're gearing up a Strength DPS character, make sure to tuck it away in your pocket. I found myself using it for a surprisingly long time. Phat Loot Phriday brings you the scoop on some of the most ... interesting ... loot in the World of Warcraft, often viewed through the eyes of the stalwart Throgg and indelible Lolegolas. Suggest items you think we should feature by emailing
Michael Gray03.22.2013Phat Loot Phriday: Helpful Wikky's Whistle
Throgg sat on the ground, waiting patiently. A whistle dangled loosely from his fingers while the orc looked around the clearing. He sighed. "What are you doing?" Lolegolas asked. He looked briefly to the sky. "Have you noticed I say that a lot?" "I have," the orc answered. "I'm waiting for Wikky." "Wikky who?" the blood elf asked again. "Wikky what?" "Wikky's a who. He's a helpful little chap," the orc answered. "But you have to pay very close attention. If Wikky waits a while, well, Wikky will wile away. But Wikky works well when we wait." "What?" "He dies. If you don't tend to him right away, he'll disappear," the orc said. "You're supposed to be the clever one." "Don't look at me," Lolegolas said. "I never got the whistle to work." Item Note: Wikky's Helpful Whistle is a bizarre little item. You use it, and Wikky appears. You can tell him to go forage for you. But if you wait too long before talking to him -- or before collecting his gift when he returns from foraging -- he dies. So, keep an eye out and interact with Wikky right away. Phat Loot Phriday brings you the scoop on some of the most ... interesting ... loot in the World of Warcraft, often viewed through the eyes of the stalwart Throgg and indelible Lolegolas. Suggest items you think we should feature by emailing
Michael Gray03.15.2013Phat Loot Phriday: Origami Rock
Lolegolas couldn't tell if his orc friend was dancing... or being electrocuted. Whichever activity it was, Throgg was waving a huge, gray stone around in the air. "What are you doing?" Lolegolas asked. "Uh. Rocking?" Throgg answered. "Wasn't it obvious?" The blood elf pursed his lips. "That's why you have a stone." "Of course," the orc answered. "I'm rocking out with my rock out." Lolegolas winced and left that alone. "But why are you rocking out?" "I never learned to read," Throgg said. "Okay, first, that's patently not true. I've seen you read. And secondly, why would that have anything to do with the stone?" "I keep seeing scribes throw Origami Rocks everywhere. But I don't know how to scribe stuff so I just got a big stone and am rocking out my own way. I don't need other people to tell me how to rock." "Crumpling paper was too much for you?" Lolegolas pondered. "This is at once the most disturbing thing I've seen you do... but also kind of profound. Rock on, Throgg." "Rock on, little elf." Item note: You, too, can master the fine art of Inscription by crumpling up a piece of paper and making an Origami Rock. Phat Loot Phriday brings you the scoop on some of the most ... interesting ... loot in the World of Warcraft, often viewed through the eyes of the stalwart Throgg and indelible Lolegolas. Suggest items you think we should feature by emailing
Michael Gray03.08.2013Phat Loot Phriday: Staff of the Hidden Master
The druid made his way down the long, dusty road. Clothed in his human form, he nonetheless sniffed the air as he plucked his way along, leaning occasionally on his Staff of the Hidden Master. "So, how'd ye get the staff, lad?" his dwarf companion asked. "I thought that was reserved for monks." "Used to be," the worgen druid said. "The Staff of the Hidden Master is hidden in Valley of the Four Winds." "Pandaria, aye?" the dwarf asked. "What were you doing there?" "Searching for my friends. A blood elf and an orc. But I beat them there, somehow." "Didn't they get lost there during the beta?" "Throgg got obsessed with pet battles," the worgen answered. "We try not to talk about it." Item Note: Yes, you can enjoy the awesome beer-dangling-staff model with the Staff of the Hidden Master. Good luck finding it, though. Totally worth it if you can manage it. Phat Loot Phriday brings you the scoop on some of the most ... interesting ... loot in the World of Warcraft, often viewed through the eyes of the stalwart Throgg and indelible Lolegolas. Suggest items you think we should feature by emailing
Michael Gray03.01.2013Phat Loot Phriday: Swift Lovebird
Think of this Phat Loot Phriday as a love note. It's a love note to you, our readers. It's a love note about a lovebird. Don't you see this lovebird? Isn't it a thing of beauty? It's like you, our readers. A thing of beauty. We wanted to make sure you know about this swift lovebird, because you're almost out of time to get it. If you grind real hard and get all the Love Tokens you need, you could still get this lovebird. But it's a lot of tokens -- 270. That's a lot of killing but if you truly want love, you can do it. You have today and tomorrow. We were going to have the regular characters of PLP write this love note to you, but they're oddly not around. Who knows where they are? Item Note: It's a mount. And while play old ground mounts are a little deprecated these days, who doesn't want a lovebird? Phat Loot Phriday brings you the scoop on some of the most ... interesting ... loot in the World of Warcraft, often viewed through the eyes of the stalwart Throgg and indelible Lolegolas. Suggest items you think we should feature by emailing
Michael Gray02.22.2013Phat Loot Phriday: Beauty's Favorite Bone
The man not named Spot stared at his bone. It was a good bone, from days gone by. He held it in his hands and heaved a huge sigh. Except for the thick glass of stout by his side, the man may have been holding back tears. "Hey, there, buddy," the bartender said. "Why the long face?" "This was given to me by friends," the druid sighed. "I've not see them since the last exp ... erience we had together." "Why do you still keep it?" "This is Beauty's Favorite Bone! It was a gift!" "Uh huh," the bartender said, wiping down the oak counter with a moist rag. "That must be it." "Fine," the man sighed. "You can transmog it. And look at it, it's awesome." The bartender remained quiet. "And I chew on it." "Yeah, I thought so." Item Note: Beauty's Favorite Bone is available from heroic Blackrock Caverns. All you strapping pandas should have no trouble getting it. Picture Note: That is neither a worgen or bone. But this picture represents Not Spot in my head. Phat Loot Phriday brings you the scoop on some of the most ... interesting ... loot in the World of Warcraft, often viewed through the eyes of the stalwart Throgg and indelible Lolegolas. Suggest items you think we should feature by emailing
Michael Gray01.25.2013