

  • Sunday Morning Funnies: Fighting naked

    Amanda Miller
    Amanda Miller

    This week we have a fair amount of humorous adventures, including an ill-timed leak, success in disguise, a handy brick, a clever wolf, and even some snakes.Humorous Plot Dark Legacy Comics has seen an end to the NPC tyranny, as "Whitemane" exposes The Horace Hypocrisy. Shakes and Fidget discover The Altar. In LFG, an alliance is sought. It isn't going well. The Road to BlizzCon continues, with Now you're just being silly and The Dead Mimes, Part 1. Kissybear's friends are giving up; or are they? Teh Gladiators has alchemists for murlocs, and a statement is made on Yolanda. Humor NoObz has some insight on patch days, from the mobs' points of view. This week's installment of The Adventures of Disgraph T. Dwarf almost didn't happen, and the announcement of the delay is worth reading itself. Fortunately, Episode 23: WoW TV arrived in time for Sunday Morning!