
Sonos Digital Music System reviewed

Sonos Digital Music System

Yahoo is carrying an AP review of the Sonos Digital Music System that pretty much follows the line you'd expect—it's really cool, but it costs a bundle. Although they do point out one potential flaw that might be a deal-breaker for some—it currently won't play copy-protected music (yes, that includes PlaysForSure/Janus tracks off Napster, AAC files of ITMS, and Real's Harmony tracks). So if you've built up your music collection using iTunes, you'll be out of luck until someone comes up with a hack or Sonos strikes a deal with Apple; however, it's definitely worth noting that Sonos is claiming PlaysForSure compliance and the ability to play Rhapsody-downloaded files by the year's end. So for many of you who've waited this long for the Sonos, you may need to wait a little longer—or you may not.