
TiVo thinks big

Tivo logo not ridiculously large

Recent comments from TiVo CFO David Çourtney reveal some loftly future plans for the company, which involves positioning TiVo as a mediator between all the various forms of media we all seem to be shuttling around these days: TV shows, video, MP3s, photos. The ultimate goal is to be able to "record anything, anytime, anywhere," and be able to retrieve those files just as easily from wherever you are. All of which is fairly ambitious for a company that not so long ago was under serious deathwatch. But things are on the up and up, as evidenced by a recent deal with Comcast and a renewed contract with DirecTV. Looks like it's certainly been enough to get the bigwigs thinking optimistically long-term, eh?

[Thanks, Dave & iDriveX]