
PSYLock identifies you based on your unique typing skills

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Ok, let's go over this together. The Institute for Bank Innovation (ibi) in Germany has developed PSYLock — a biometrical means of identifying us based on the unique way we type on a keyboard. As you've probably already guessed, security is dependent upon the length of a typing sample since there isn't much to be learned from just typing "dubious" now is there? So it can only learn who you are, er, after you've already gained access to the system and have been using it for a period of time (sadly, no details here)! As such, they are positioning their PSYLock.pc software as part of a Windows two-factor authentication scheme. Boy, sure seems they've taken the hard road here considering the plethora of fingerprint, heat signature, and iris scanning solutions already available. Then again, no one is gonna chop-off or gouge-out your unique typing signature now are they?

[via I4U]