
3 UK rolls out The One plan, promises not to use the word 'unlimited' when it's not unlimited

Long gone are the days when 1GB, 2GB or 5GB of data were unlimited "enough" to be called unlimited by carriers; modern phones can blaze through gigabytes just as quickly as HSPA can supply them, and companies around the world are starting to learn the lesson. In rolling out its seemingly enticing "The One" plan last week, 3 UK made an interesting and notable commitment to avoid the use of the term "unlimited" unless it really, truly applies -- and in the case of The One, it really doesn't: you get 2,000 voice minutes, 5,000 minutes between 3 UK phones, 5,000 texts, and 1GB of data for prices starting at £25 ($38) a month depending on the subsidized handset you choose. Sounds reasonable and straightforward enough, and for the overwhelming majority of users, it should be a deep-enough bucket to get the job done.

[Thanks, Oli]