
Denise Richards one-ups Naomi, chucks two laptops from balcony

In what can only be construed as a serious attempt on Naomi Campbell's heretofore undisputed claim to the "gadget-related anger management problems" crown, Denise Richards, of Bond Girl / Undercover Brother fame, recently blew off a bit of steam by chucking not one but two laptops from a 2nd floor Vancouver hotel room balconly. The laptops were owned by a couple of paparazzi who were bothering the actress at the time, and grazed the arms of a 80-year-old woman and 91-year-old woman sitting in the lobby below (sadly, no word on make or model of the two machines). The Royal Canadian Mounted Police said they were looking into the matter, but hadn't decided yet quite what to do about the sitch. Naomi hasn't made an official statement about her new threat either, but we're hearing rumors of Best Buy-based showdown -- last model standing. We'll of course be liveblogging any and all such events.