
Cool Stuff for Sunday: Volume 2

Oh no! It's the world's saddest Sackboy! Hopefully, this second edition of Cool Stuff for Sunday will cheer him up.

Sessler's Soapbox attacks fanboys (NSFW)
[Thanks, Ackad!]

G4 gave Killzone 2 a perfect 5/5 review, and fanboys from both sides of the fence went berserk. Watch Sessler attack internet idiocy as he reminds everyone that there is no great conspiracy on the internet. This is a refreshing video that puts down the irrational fanboys we've come to love to hate.

Yakuza 3: why you want it
[Thanks, Shadi!]

Sega's PS3-exclusive Yakuza 3 is currently a Japan-only release. We're pretty sure that the localization process for this game takes quite a long time, but that hasn't stopped a passionate (but somewhat impatient) petition to form. Watch this latest trailer of the game, and tell us if you're interested in the game.

TIME goes Home
[Thanks, Wonderwes!]

We always love seeing the mainstream report technology. This video from TIME about PlayStation Home is particularly cheesy. Ready for some bad dancing?

Weekly Trophy Portal update

That's it for this week folks! If you ever want to submit a tip for this weekly feature, feel free to contact us.