Yamaha rolls out YSP-800 Digital Sound Projector
As previously noted, Yamaha has been working on a more affordable successor to its $1,300 YSP-1 Digital Sound Projector, and it looks like it's about to land in Europe. The new YSP-800 is a similar compact system that simulates 5.1 surround sound without requiring you to set up speakers all over a room. The newer model has a somewhat lower output, at 82 watts instead of 120, which should still fill most home theaters or living rooms. Other features include an automatic sweet-spot setup and "Night Listening Enhancer," which automatically lowers the volume and enhances speech, so that you can keep Jerry Bruckheimer's explosions from waking the kids, but not miss any of the gripping dialogue. The YSP-800 is expected to be out in Europe this month for €699 ($866).
[Thanks, K.Y.]