
Brief Maintenance Wednesday Morning

A number of realms will be brought down at 4:00 AM PDT this Wednesday for about an hour to correct a database setting. So, if you play on any of the following servers, maybe that will be a good time to go find some breakfast: Altar of Storms, Andorhal, Anetheron, Archimonde, Black Dragonflight, Dalaran, Dalvengyr, Deathwing, Demon Soul, Dentarg, Doomhammer, Duskwood, Executus, Haomarush, Icecrown, Jaedenar, Kel'Thuzad, Khadgar, Mal'Ganis, Norgannon, Scilla, Steamwheedle Cartel, Thrall, Turalyon, Uldaman, Ysera, Ysondre, and Zuluhed. I recognize a number of these realms as running at the new site on new hardware, but I'm not sure if all of them are.