dead.licious - bookmark verification made simple
Online bookmaking systems are all the rage these days (I certainly rely on nothing but Pukka, delibar and Quicksilver's plugin now), but what if, while amassing your library of 'marks, some of them go dead, are taken down or otherwise disappear? dead.licious might just be the tool for you, as it's a utility that checks each of your links to see if at least something is still there.
It isn't quite everything it could be, however, as the author lists a number of improvements already on the list:
Support for 10.3.9 and maybe 10.2.8. E-mail me if you really, really want this tool for 10.3.9 and I'll see what I can do to expedite the process along (donations wouldn't hurt either).
Faster checking of websites by checking several at once instead of one at a time.
Keychain support so you don't have to type in your username and password each time.
Determining which websites have been added since the last update and only checking those.
Editing bookmark information and submitting the changes back to your account.
With this in mind, a discussion of whether dead.licious should even be called a 1.0 app could certainly be warranted, but instead of getting nit-picky over version guidelines, why not give it a whirl and submit some feedback (and a buck or two while you're at it) to show the dev you care.