
PlayStation Store currency and parental control explained

Sony unveiled the PlayStation Store at last week's Gamer's Day. This PS3 service will let gamers buy and download titles at the November 17 console launch. In the initial demonstration, Sony explained store payment options and how gamer parents can control kids' purchases.

Sony will let users make purchases with a regular credit card. If without one, gamers will be able to buy a PlayStation Store card in retail to use like a gift certificate.

We like the idea of using real money in the online store; this choice simplifies the process for gamers instead of making us translate points back and forth into dollars. We also think it's easier to spend recklessly in a fantasy currency, so we applaud Sony for keeping costs up-front.

Parents will be able to use a credit card to allocate their kids (or spouse) an allowance. Downloaded -- and retail-bought -- games will also be branded with an ESRB rating; parents will be able to use this evaluation to block kids from buying or playing certain content.

We're not sure how many parents will use the account controls. (Does anyone use the V-Chip?) But we're glad that parents have the choice, and we hope that Sony is able to educate them about the option.

See also:
PS3 DRM: Downloads support five systems
PS3 likely to sell 'movies, music, TV'
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