
Nyko's Intercooler may burninate the Xbox 360

Nyko's Intercooler for the Xbox 360 causes more trouble than it's worth, according to Microsoft representative contacted by Elektriq. The problem is its construction: the Intercooler steals some of the power originating from the supply, decreasing the joules the console actually receives to inadequate levels. One representative even reported that the Intercooler has caused "scorch marks" on the console.

For those who simply must have a cooling accessory, one Microsoft representative suggested the Pelican Fan Stand, whose power comes from a USB input. Microsoft does not make a first-party cooling unit, although you're more than welcome to throw the console in the freezer in between play sessions.*

* Joystiq does not recommend putting a console in the freezer and can only promise to laugh at you in the event you do heed our ridiculous non-advice.

[Via Xbox 360 Fanboy]