
Xbox 360 in car accident, but lives!

Over on the official Xbox forums, ZiKrOnIx posted his very own personal story of tragedy. You see, poor ZiKrOnIx got in a car accident which is bad enough, but the real tragic part is that his ... gasp ... Xbox 360 was involved too. The curvaceous gaming console was thrown from his car, ran over, hard drive cracked, power brick thrown, and faceplate crushed. And the end result? He took his battered 360 home, fired it up, and was greeted by the friendly glow of the dashboard. Yup, it's still working even after all the brutality it endured. If you have any Xbox 360 abuse stories, please tell your story below. And if you're the sick and twisted type, go check out the horrific pics after the jump.

[Via Digg]