
My guild is so leet that ...

Normally the WoW Raids & Dungeons forum is the conventional wretched hive of scum and villainy, with raiders complaining encounters have been buffed, other raiders disparaging the previous raiders' progress, and casual players making the 200th "Get out of your mom's basement" post the day.

But sometimes, like today, the forum produces wonderful and hilarious things. "My guild is so uber 1337 that ..." is full of raiders talking about how, in fact, their guild is so awesome at WoW it extends beyond the confines of the game itself. In fact, they're so uber 1337 that ...

  • "We enrage at 50 percent." (Zifna, Resurgence Theory)

  • "We use all our skills via typing. /cast Sinister Strike. Booyah." (Sternumus, Bringers of Blood)

  • "On nights we don't raid, bosses farm herbs for flasks, and Blizzard actually pays us $13 a month." (Bobetski, Tempestus Fury)

  • "Vael starts at 1% and in a bend-over position." (Saliya, Primeval)

  • "Our loot table is an actual table with loot on top." (Shnap, SIEGE)

Can you beat this leet?