
Video: Double Dragon in action

While we knowAlien Hominid HD is coming to Arcade this week, barring some freak weather storm, so we get the opportunity to look forward to future titles, or just Worms. But for those of you who are interested in a different title that Wo--- Oh, who are we kidding, if it's not Worms, who cares, right? Well, we're sure that there has to be somebody who falls into that category, so this is for them. We've got a video of Double Dragon, which is suggested to arrive sometime in March. The game will feature the original graphics as well as the enhanced graphics seen in the video. We don't know about you, but we're going to be switching back to the old school look off the bat. The enhanced visual just don't look right. In any case, click the "Read" link to watch the video. So, it's not Worms, do you care?

[Via Xboxic]