
EA says: Sony no longer captain of the ship

Yeargh, mateys! This ship be takin' on water and swelling up like me wife's belly 'fore she had her little bundle o' screams. Take yer booty and yer booties to the lifeboats, but the cap'n must stay here with his sinkin' ship. Ah, in other words, EA thinks Sony's dominance is over. Pssh, more like EA's dominance is over... Ubisoft is becoming just as huge.

Larry Probst said this and that about Sony and the console race (the finish line being your home): "We expect that there will be a more level playing field this time around than last time...I think the issue is that [the PS3 is] expensive." He added, "No one should count Sony out at this point in the game. This is going to be a long race." That's sort of saying two different things. I'm not honest, but you're interesting, as some may say. What do you guys think? Is it way too early to rush a judgment?

[Thanks, Jonah!]