
Best Buy's dubious intranet site investigated by Connecticut Attorney General

Remember that secret Best Buy intranet site we told you about last week? Yeah, the one allegedly used to deny customer discounts found on Best Buy's public Internet site. Well, the Connecticut attorney general -- home to the story's origins -- is all up in Best Buy's bidness now after receiving complaints from "at least 20" customers who felt duped. Dawn Bryant, Best Buy spokeswoman, said that Best Buy is cooperating with the investigation and noted that company policy is to always offer customers the lowest quoted price. "What we've learned very quickly," said Bryant, "is we have not been clear enough in communicating to our employees the policy, and how to execute it in our stores." She goes on to say that the similarity in appearance between the two websites "made sense at the time. Is it time to revisit it? Very likely." Very likely, indeed.

[Thanks, Rahat H. and Hardcore]