
Mortal Kombat Wii lacks online mode, developer blames Nintendo

The Wii version of Mortal Kombat: Armageddon producer Shaun Himmerick has confirmed that the title will have no online functionality whatsoever. This is despite previous versions of the game having online play (on PlayStation 2 and Xbox One) and despite the developer's wishes to include online play.

The reason, as Himmerick explains in an interview with Advanced Media Network, was not a technology issue but that "Nintendo didn't have their online system ready for us when we would have needed to implement it," he said. Himmerick said they instead focused on improving the single player aspect: creating an Endurance mode, including a new character and fine tuning the Wii remote controls.

The news comes as further anecdotal evidence that Nintendo is not letting third-partydevelopers put online in their gameplay. Mortal Kombat: Armageddon, takes out its aggression on the Wii on May 29.

[Via Nintendo Wii Fanboy]