
Hunter pets rejoice, for there is a plan - and 2.3 news!

Hunter supreme Mania of Mania's Arcania and Petopia reports that Blizzard does indeed have a plan to help with pet leveling if it turns out that they need one. My wife turned me on to Petopia a long, long time ago and even though I rarely play a hunter (I like to melee too much) I do enjoy browsing the site, so I'm well aware that Mania generally has her thumb on the pulse of pet developments.

Also, it seems as though various hunter abilities will be scaling with
ranged attack power. The abilities mentioned include Serpent Sting and Immolation Trap. Since hunters tend to want to stack RAP anyway, these seem like pretty decent changes to the class in my opinion. Also, Arcane Shot is now dispelling one magic effect when it hits.

I don't know if this buff love is enough to balance out the fact that hunters tend to be under-represented in arena teams, but I'll leave that up to you hunters to decide.