
The music of EVE Online

Can't get enough of EVE's ingame tunes? An Anarchyyt over on the forums has posted a link to a ZIP file of EVE's entire soundtrack, so that even out of game you can listen to those dulcet tones floating in space. I'm not sure how stable EVE Files' servers are, but if you can get in and download it, you're all set.

And even if you can't, don't forget that there's some good soundtrack links over on the official site, too. There's also a CD of a few of the tracks available at the official store. And a little bit of poking around brings us this JunkieXL remix of one of the tracks from the game (originally used in one of the game's trailers, I think?).

I have to say-- most of the time I spend mining in EVE actually is taken up with the soundtrack of whatever I'm watching on TV at the time. But when flying around and actually fighting rats, the tunes fit perfectly in the game.