
Shikigami no Shiro III: a shooter with the human touch

The Shikigami no Shiro series is pretty weird, for a number of reasons: first, the truly off-putting budget US release with the generic Charlie's Angels boxart; second, that the latest iteration of a shooter series is being released in 2007 at all; but most importantly, and most pertinent to actual gameplay, that Shikigami no Shiro III includes a variety of characters, in the same vein as a fighting game. That the game is being released on the Wii seems fairly standard for a shooter, if anything could be "standard" about a modern entry in this classic genre.

The latest screenshots show the basic projectiles fired by some of the characters. Yes, you play as a flying human in this game, and not a spaceship or multi-headed dragon. That's something. We can't wait to float around as the classy Munchausen and shoot crystals from our outstretched hands. We can only assume that he's fresh from washing single handkerchiefs in a cocktail shaker.