
HD cameras helped make U2 3D what it is

We'll be straight with you -- it's a touch difficult to describe U2 3D in words alone, but for those that have seen the extremely well received concert film, you may be interested in finding out exactly how it came together over at Sound & Vision. According to Catherine Owens, the film's co-director, the footage was shot entirely in high-definition in a digital format that proved much easier to handle than the reels used in years past. Additionally, the team behind the project had a Samsung HDTV shipped in to find out how the content translated from the big screen to one not so big, and results were described with adjectives including "phenomenal" and "insane." Yeah, we still think 3D in general has a ways to go before it shakes the gimmick label it has rightfully earned, but at least 3D in HD makes rocking those gaudy goggles slightly more bearable -- slightly.

[Image courtesy of 3ality Digital]