
The Daily Grind: How can Tabula Rasa be improved?

Honestly, I haven't had any desire to try Tabula Rasa. Well, that's not entirely true; when I first heard that Lord British was developing a science fiction MMO, I was terribly excited. And if all I knew of the game was what I saw in screenshots and gameplay video, I might still be tempted to give it a try. However, being a part of Massively means that I'm privy to every bit of news and stories that come down the pike, and some of them aren't so complimentary to ol' TR.

In fact, posts that talk about 'giving it another try' and 'there's no endgame' and 'the hybrid classes are lame' make me less inclined than ever to even give it a chance. Listen, I know it's got fans so it's not entirely broken, but nothing exists in a vacuum, and there's always room for improvement. So tell me, fans, how would you fix Tabula Rasa?