Joystiq hands-on: Baja (360/PS3)
At a recent sampling of THQ games, Baja entertained me, although I had a hard time deciding if it was a simulation or an arcade racer. Its developers touted the simulation and how accurately the game captures off-road racing. Not being an off-road driver, I can't make a comparison.
Relative to other driving games, Baja was unforgiving of my bad mistakes, pitching me off the track like a Colin McRae game. I'm not sure if it was difficult enough -- I guess I equate "difficult" with "realistic simulation" -- but I had fun playing it.
This August, 2008 game will include 50 licensed vehicles across nine classes, ranging from big trucks to VW bugs. So simulation fans will have those real-world elements. I drove a big F-series Ford over sand and dirt, even hitting a big jump with a soft landing. (Again, "simulation" doesn't seem quite right to me.)
Visuals looked good in my races, although nothing stood out against other games. Ambient life appeared a few times -- a rabbit dodged across the track, and a hawk flew overhead -- but the shadows and details blended together. Real-world billboards for Del Taco caught my eye, but mostly just as an exercise about in-game ads. (Still, there were a lot of billboards in the desert.)
But most of all, the game felt fluid, with close objects constantly flying by, and distant mountains drifting with turns. Arcade-and-simulation racing gamers will appreciate that smooth motion. It'll take more time to evaluate its realism, but Motorstorm has another game inching up in the rear-view mirror.