
Midsummer Fire Festival image gallery

If you haven't yet been able to attend the Midsummer Fire Festival, we've started an image gallery for you to indulge in some of the eye candy, even if you can't be there yourself. Included with the image gallery are links to some of the related quest guides and informational posts we've had over the last few days if you're looking for more information.

We'll be updating this gallery throughout the festival, so make sure you check back frequently or add it to your bookmarks. If you haven't been able to see the festival yourself and you'd like to see something we don't yet have pictured, feel free to make requests in the comments section below!


The Midsummer Fire Festival is upon us! Check out WoW Insider's complete quest guide to collect those Burning Blossoms as well as our guide on how to spend them. Also, don't forget to eyeball our screenshot gallery of Midsummer events. Finally, find out how to kill Lord Ahune, and check out our break down of his loot table.