
One Shots: The center of attention

That's one thing that you can almost always guarantee as a female running around in the skimpy starter outfits in Warhammer Online -- you'll attract attention wherever you go. Of course, on the flip side, most of the time you don't necessarily attract it in quite as spectacular a manner as Snacky appears to have. Not sure what we mean? Here's Snacky from the Volkmar server with the details: My Shadow Warrior was exploring for some Tome unlocks and I found this group of Magi. They seemed quite pleased to meet me! It could also be that they're quite jealous of the outfit, as theyr'e stuck in what looks like Warhammer Online's version of choir robes.

Have you managed to aggro a group of mobs in a rather spectacular fashion? Perhaps you found a new and interesting location that you haven't seen posted here yet? Whatever your game, whatever your reason, we'd love to see your screenshots! Just send them to us here at oneshots AT massively DOT com along with your name/server/guild and a quick description of the action. We'll post them in our gallery for everyone to enjoy and give you the credit.