
Insider Trader: Inscription from 100 to 200

Insider Trader is your inside line on making, selling, buying and using player-made products.

Last week, we began the journey towards becoming a Grand Master Scribe. Starting with the basics, we discussed how to reach skill level 100, along with some general tips and strategy, and there were many helpful reader comments.

Today, we will continue from skill level 100 to hit 200, which will place you partway through what a level 20 is capable of training. When herbs are mentioned, clicking on any of the links will take you to a Wowhead page showing you where you can find them.

If you feel you need more background information on inscription tools, milling, or research, check out last week's column to brush up on the fundamentals. Otherwise, pass on through the break!

The herbs that you will be using are [Grave Moss], [Kingsblood], [Liferoot] and [Wild Steelbloom]. Aim for player level 20 and 30 zones such as the Hillsbrad Foothills or the Desolace. [Liferoot] is generally found near water, while [Wild Steelbloom] is found on cliff edges and other hard to reach places.

[Grave Moss] is a bit rarer, but the Scarlet Monastery Graveyard instance has a fair amount, as does the Kodo graveyard in the Desolace. Keep an eye out for bones and graveyards for this herb.

[Kingsblood] is usually out in the open, in the middle of a field, surrounded by friends. You like making friends, don't you?

Milling these herbs will produce [Golden Pigment] and [Burnt Pigment], with burnt being the rare spawn. You will also be upgrading your paper quality from [Light Parchment] to [Common Parchment], making each glyph cost a bit more to manufacture.

From 100-105, make about 25 [Lion's Ink]. During the milling process, you will also acquire [Burnt Pigment] to be used shortly.

From 105-120, the various class glyphs you will be able to train every five skill levels will only cost 1 [Lion's Ink] and 1 [Common Parchment]. From here on out, class glyphs will cost you two [Lion's Ink] instead of one.

Luckily, we can avoid running out of ink by utilizing first some leftover ink, and then some rare quality ink that you will have acquired from milling the above herbs.

At skill level 110, you will have trained the [Mysterious Tarot], which generates a random card from the deck it forms. Once you have all of the cards, you can combine it to form a quest item related to the Darkmoon Faire. Combining the cards does not make the deck bind on pick-up, so you can send the cards or the deck to alts, or sell them on the Auction House.

This is where your green quality pigment will come into play. If you have any leftover [Hunter's Ink] (see Inscription from 1 to 100), which is made from [Verdant Pigment], and [Midnight Ink] which is made from [Dusky Pigment], then make five [Mysterious Tarots], taking you to skill level 125, where they turn yellow.

Tip: If you can easily acquire the herbs necessary to make [Mysterious Tarot], while the herbs for this section are in scarce supply, consider manufacturing the cards from 110-125 and saving your [Lion's Ink] for later.

At 125, you will be able to train both the next ink, [Dawnstar Ink], which is made from the [Burnt Pigment] that drops rarely while milling the above herbs, and the next set of tarot cards, [Strange Tarot].

From 125 to 130, create [Dawnstar Ink]. At this point, we can begin to utilize whatever [Lion's Ink] we saved by making [Strange Tarots] earlier. For the next 20 points, up to 150, you will be able to create class glyphs using 2 Lion's a piece, or [Mysterious Tarot's] using 2 Dawnstars and 1 Lion's a piece.

Remember to retrain after every five skill points gained, as you will acquire new, orange-quality glyphs. Making these will ensure you use the least ink for the most number of skill points possible.

If you have enough materials to make X number of tarots, then make that number. The secondary, green-quality pigments are like a gift, and not using this bonus ink would be a waste. Acquire the rest of the points with class glyphs.

From 150-155, create [Jadefire Ink]. This is the new ink for this skill bracket, and you can produce it from [Emerald Pigment]. The herbs you will need to collect and mill are [Fadeleaf], [Goldthorn], [Khadgar's Whisker] and [Wintersbite]. The rare-quality pigment you will be using is called [Indigo Pigment], and will be used to make up [Royal Ink] for more tarot cards.

[Wintersbite] is found only in the Alterac Mountains, a snowy climate. I don't recommend trying to farm [Wintersbite], but rather, simply pick some up if you happen by the area. The other three herbs can be found in lush forests and jungles, such as Stranglethorn Vale and Feralas. Khadgar's tends to lean up against trees, while [Goldthorn] is reminiscent of [Wild Steelbloom], as it likes to grow out of reach.

From 155-175 you are free to make class glyphs. Each glyph will consume only one ink and one parchment, making these skill points very cost effective and efficient.

From 175 up to 180, make as much [Royal Ink] as you have the pigment to do so. Up to 185, you can create [Scroll of Agility III], which costs two parchment, but still only one [Jadefire Ink].

The last twenty points will be a mixture between producing [Arcane Tarot] cards for two Royal, one Jadefire, and one parchment, and making class glyphs that each require two Jadefire. Remember, [Royal Ink] is bonus ink and should be used up.

The tarot card will not turn yellow until skill 200, which is perfect. Make as many as you can, along with class glyphs that you train every five skill points.

Choosing class glyphs
Last week I discussed what you should take into consideration when choosing which class glyphs to create when leveling your skill, so check out the guide if you're having trouble.

The damage:

  • 100-150 will require roughly 230 herbs, or 46 stacks of five. Of course, you save on this number if you have leftover herbs/pigment/ink to make [Mysterious Tarot].

  • 150-200 should use up approximately 210 herbs, or 42 millings.

Each week,

Insider Trader takes you behind the scenes of the bustling sub-culture of professional craftsmen, examining the profitable, the tragically lacking, and the methods behind the madness. Are you a craftsperson with an eye on success? Learn all about achievements for crafters! Still stuck below inscription 100? Check out part one of this guide!