Pixelmator releases 1.3.1
The good folks at Pixelmator have released version 1.3.1 of their lightweight and smooth photo editing software. While the update is mostly "bug fixes and minor improvements" (isn't that exciting, unless maybe you really were waiting for "iSigh support" -- which probably means iSight), but there are two big changes: the Color Management panel has been updated (as you can see above), and the Refine Selection tool has a very nice, real-time masked UI that lets you see exactly which parts of your selection are being feathered or smoothed out.
Definitely not as big an update as the 1.3 Tempo that we posted about a while ago (although 1.4 Sparkle, we're told, is being worked on right now), but it is free to all users, and in fact ready to download right now in Pixelmator. The app itself costs $59, but if you're looking for something a little more refined than GIMP that's not quite as pricey as Photoshop, it's your new bicycle.