
The latest present from Club Nintendo Japan: Mii business cards

Now that we actually have our own Club Nintendo, which features only rewards that have already been released in Japan, we have even more interest in Nintendo of Japan's version. We feel like pretty much anything from the Japanese Club Nintendo catalog could become available to us at some future date.

But maybe not the latest prize. The newest promotion offered by the club allows Wii owners to trade in 150 of their Club Nintendo Points for a set of thirty custom Mii business cards from the Digicam Print Channel. We have our doubts about ever seeing the Digicam Print Channel here (although we welcome surprises, Nintendo), so we aren't saving our points for these cards. However, this is significant in that it involves the exchange of Club Nintendo points for content from a Wii Channel.

Want to see Club Nintendo's greatest gifts to Japan and Europe? OF COURSE YOU DO. So go here.